Monday, November 21, 2011

Suffolk walks---Wiston, Suffolk

Last weekend, I went to see Marcus after having my tattoo done in the morning. Cor, it hurt. But worth every pain....(I know it sounds a bit mad.) I love my back tattoo now.

 Anyway, as usual, I got on the bus from the stop near my flat at 2.30pm, it usually takes about 1hour to get to Sudbury. Then, Marcus picked me up from the bus station. I was expecting to see my friend Sunny driving the bus. He wasn't. According to him, he was a grumpy bus driver, I wanted to see the grumpy face when I got on the bus....never mind, might be next time.

 Then we popped into the waitrose for food shopping for 2 nights. By the time we came out from there, it was already getting darker. Feels like sun sets gets earlier and earlier....That night, it was clear night to start off with, then it got cloudy so that we couldn't watch stars and planets in the night sky.

 Following day on Sunday(20th/Nov), we went out for a little walk. yes, it was a proper little walk. Not Marcus's "little walk". We drove through Stoke By Nayland(it's in Suffolk and Essex border), cross over the A134, into a little village called "Wiston". It's a very small village, and has a cute little church called Wiston St. Mary's Church.

There's a small car park just before the path way to the church. We parked our car there. It was very quiet and peaceful I would assume most of people were getting ready for Sunday dinner, I could small food from near by house. Very cozy♥ This is the church before our walk. very pretty.

It was quite foggy/misty morning/afternoon. But it kept changing.

there was a walk path next to the big house, I would imagine it was a vicarage, just beside it. Follow the path and takes to the field, then there are a few different paths. It wasn't clear which paths took to where, but took the path near the river. We found a happy looking mushroom. It wasn't a magic one, happy one! The path lead to a big farmer's field.
After while, we had very muddy shoes! But we didn't care. We saw a heron! The river was called River Stou, where me and Marcus went for canouing a few month back. I remembered the place where we saw herons last time. It was almost the same place! Wow, it was a huge and very elegant. I love watching birds flying. Beautiful. After 30mins walking in the field, we decided to walk back, then we took another path. But still along the river Stour. Then we saw Wiston Mill!
 It was a huge old thing. Quite impressive building. We carried on walking the path. We saw some walkers, families with dogs, and old people. It was really nice to see people walking on Sunday afternoon.  There was a little bridge to across by the mill to another field.

 Wondered where the river Stou went??? I knew it was somewhere over the field. Then we saw a bridge far in front of us. After walked past a family with a dog, we now reached another bridge. Yes, it was the one of the bridge when we were canouing, we saw three people across, and told us they walked from Wiston Church. This is the bridge.
We across the bridge, turned left into the field. We only walked about 5 mins or so, then decided to walk back to the car. It started getting darker already and misty.
Still, it was a pretty sight, when mist came down to the ground, felt a bit dump and humid. Then start feeling chilly. Time to get back to the car quick........
But when we got back to the church, it was very clear there.  Anyway, we got back to the car then drove back to home. We wanted to the sunset from special hill in Nayland (I think) but it was wrong location, sun was behind a big barn there. Shame. But we saw beautiful sky on our way home. 
That night, we saw Jupiter and mars in the sky. Jupiter was the first one to come up in the sky and very big and shiny. Never seen it before, I was so excited. Then we saw mars. It was red shining planet near to Jupiter.

 After while, stars appeared. It was clear night. We saw loads of beautiful twinkle stars. Pledis were clear, it reminded me when we went to La Gomera(one of canary islands) in Feb this year. It was sooooo clear then.

One of good things about Marcus living in the country side were to be able to watch the night sky. Even I live in a little country town, I'm not able to see the night sky, too bright. Nature always invites me to see beautiful magic in its nature, and every time blow me away.
 Looking forward to next adventure!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Suffolk walks---we got lost......

Last Sunday(13/11/11), me and Marcus went out for our little adventure.

First, we went to Blackthorp barn( i think) to have a look the craft fair there. my friend, Sylvia from the charity shop( where I work) had a stall selling her home made recycled blanket. Never been to see her on fairs. Blankets she was selling were beautiful and very quaky. She makes blankets out of old jumpers. She gets them from charity shops, also, people ask her to make them out of their treasure jumpers etc.  I bought a small one for my knee too.♥  They are lovely.  And warm♥

 The craft fair was really nice, the most of them were local artists and crafts people. I was inspired. Marcus found something he liked too.

 Here's Sylvia and her stall.

And, her blankets❀
She's got website. , check it out!
this is one I bought❀

I love it. Sometimes I take the blanket with me in bed. soooo comfy and cozy. It reminds me of when I was a child. I used to carry a white velvety towel/blanket(not very big though) all the time with me. The towel, in the end, got so dirty but I didn't even let my mum to wash it. Then, one day , while I was in bed sleeping, my mum took it away and chucked it. Following morning, I still remember, I was really upset and cried and cried for hours. Someone gave me another towel, but I hated it, it wasn't as same as one I loved. Funny thing was, I soon forgot about my towel. Funny how I felt feeling secure from it.

 Anyway, I'm not going carry the blanket with everywhere, I'm not that insecure!  Anyway, we found lovely tree outside the barn.
After the visit, I wanted to go to West Stow for walks. I only went there once last year with Jean. First I cycled to Jeans in Timworth(where she used to live), then we cycled to West Stow through Hengrave. Then, Culford back to Timworth. I'm sure We cycled through more villages but I don't remember..

. Anyway, my vague memory about directions. I knew it was closed to Timworth.... We ended up being in Troston.

After that, I gave up finding the place. So, we drove round. Where we ended up? Thetford forest! Yippeeeee!

Then, I wanted to go for a wee.... We looked for toilets. We found one....after driving 15mins into country lane. It was closed. Gutted. Place where we ended up was a part of the Thetford Forest, near Brandon.

 We walked round. It was pretty and very peaceful.

There was a cute little church and we loved the energy there. The church was called "All Saints Church". It was situated the same area as St. Helen's church, it was a part of the walk(orange root). We didn't do the circular walk. That's something for next time.
Accidentally found the church, but as if we were meant to find it. Or the church called us? Anyhow, I don't care, it was lovely surprise, also we had a magic moment too❀❀❀

And it had pretty ceiling.

There was river near by called "Little Ouse River". We were thinking about canouing...Is it allowed???
Oh, our magic moment was; when wind quietly blew to the tree in front of us, we saw the space was moved. When rain drop into the sea, it creates patterns and splash in the air, make wavy on the surface.
It was exactly like that but in the air. Never seen that before. Amazing. Makes sense, everything vibrates and resonate to each other.  For example, if I think of someone who I haven't seen for ages, then suddenly the person I have been thinking either ring me or see him/her in town. Because I thought about the person, vibrates, then been manifested.

So, question is: if I think of myself negatively, where does this thought go? Does it stop somewhere? I reckon it carries on and on....and goes to universe. Someone said to me, " that stops you from thinking bad things about yourself" That was our magic moment.

 We found mushrooms too. Not magic ones though. They were called "Amethyst deceiver" Initially, I thought they were poisonous ones. Even Marcus didn't know. when we got home, we looked up on the net. Here it was, edible mushroom. Never seen edible mushrooms in wild before. Apart from puffball mushrooms. Maybe next time cook some wild mushroom risotto for our dinner after our walk????