Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Suffolk Walks--- Hillhouse Wood


More bluebells! We don't want to miss this opportunity to walk through the magic woods. I do love it. When I walk through the bluebell woods, I forget everything.

Wild Orchids

Wild Orchid's coming out!

I had only a few weeks left to leave my current job, and feeling a bit tired for a while. I got myself a new job working as a support worker for people with leaning disabilities, feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive.... When I walked through the woods, I forgot how I was feeling and felt like I was swimming through the bluebells. Arrrrr, heaven.

We were middle of doing poodle sitting that week, spent 3 days in the house. On Tuesday, Marilyn came and decided to go for walk (without poodles, they already had good walk near by) after our lunch.

Naughty poodles

Poodle's cherry tree

This woods, it's not very big, but every time we get lost. I don't know where our favourite benches are, and which footpath to take. so, just pottering through the woods as usual. Again, cars are usually parked where the church is, and usually it becomes a busy little car park especially when the flowers are in season.

When we walked though towards the little stream, not very strong yet, but I could smell wild garlic and smelt so tasty. Always reminds me of the miso soup my mum used to make when I was a child. and almost always, I imagine myself having the soup and eating them in my salad. This year, I really would love to forage some and make yummy dinner!

Of course, this woods is managed by Woodland Trust (same as Chalkney Woods), so, not allowed to take any of the plants and they stay there. And better that anyway. Woodland Trust does good job, our favourite woods are all free to get in, and beautifully (rustic and wild, and I like it) maintained.

Anyway, bluebells were everywhere, This woods never disappoint me. According to national Trust, bluebells are sign of ancient woods, certainly this woods feel that way. Every time I see splendid view of bluebells, I feel very lucky and I really want to take my mum & dad to see it too. Hopefully, one day, I can take them there. Photos doesn't quite show/feel the energy, it's defo something else.

Then makes me wonder, there are more and more beauty like this on this earth, I would love to see and feel them!

Before they are all gone, we are going to visit the woods this weekend too. Oh, I can't wait.

Essex Walks--- Chalkney Woods (Bluebells walk)


Yey! Bluebell season! This year, we visited woods we never been. It's called Chalkney Woods. It's in Essex, not far from Suffolk. We wanted to find bluebells where we never visited. Here we are, searched on line, we found it. 

It was also beautiful woods, felt really ancient. I didn't know till later we read the sign, and did say it was an old forest. On the woodland trust site also mentioned " there are remnants of a medieval woodbank and Roman trackway", how romantic! It's as old as last Ice age... How they maintain the woods also is very interesting, they use the method called coppicing and doing it 25 year cycle. 

This magic woods is home to lots of different birds, we heard woodpecker! I am sure it was a woodpecker! Little birds like robins follow us around and singing constantly. Now it's started getting warmer, trees had new green leaves on trees and smelt really nice. 

As we walked into deep in the woods, we started see more and more bluebells, nothing like walking through bluebell woods. I love it. 

We walked everywhere in the woods. I am sure we did big circular walks. There were a good few cars parked up outside the gate, but we didn't feel we kept bumping into people, it was a big enough for all of us that day. 

By the gate, dog walkers left their dog poo bags (and poo inside!) by the gate. It said that on the sign, "Please take your dog poo with you." and what they did? They left them there. And I saw a few bags left inside the woods too, that was terrible. Don't people respect nature and to other people? No consideration whatsoever. Yes, I was a bit upset. 

Anyway, I would defo recommend for bluebell walks in season for this woods. This becomes yet another our favourite bluebell woods.

Wild orchid

Here's some photos❀

It was a job to find,  map we got wasn't indicated very clear. Basically, it's between White Colne and Wakes Colne Chappel. It's just off A1124 in White Colne. Turn at Tey road. It was worth visit. 

Suffolk walks--- Dunwich Heath 30th/ March

I am sure it was mother's day, we went up to see Marilyn and had bootiful (Suffolk accent!) walks in the Dunwich Heath. This is yet another National Trust place and beautiful coast line and beach.

I never visited there before, been to surrounding area for walks though... This is my recommendation (and Minsmere by RSPB) for Suffolk coastal walks. It's really beautiful. We had lovely day out for mother's day. 

I can imagine in winter, there'll be full of purple heather, yellow flowers, sea kales, and full of wild life.... there was view points with some posters explaining what sort of wild marine life they had there. I know it's gping to be really chilly and cold, but I would love to visit when those heathers are full, must be an awesome sight. Need to wrap ourselves up!

Guess what, we read about dolphins and wheals, come and visit the coast there. I couldn't believe it, I love dolphins and wheals, that made me even more want to become a frequent visitor to the Heath.

When we were walking through the footpath, smelt something yummy! Coconuts! it came from yellow gorse, it was everywhere and pretty. 

Here's some photos from the Heath.

It'll be full of purple heather in winter!

Magic woods
The beach

Marcus & Marilyn looking at the Heath

This is from the National Trust site: "Dunwich Heath offers you peace and quiet and a true sense of being at one with nature. It’s a rare and precious habitat, home to special species such as Dartford warbler, nightjar, woodlark and ant-lion. From July to September, the heath is alive with colour. This walk will take you around the perimeter of Dunwich Heath, all on NT land."

AddressDunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DJ
Telephone: 01728 648501
How to get theresignposted from A12. From Westleton/Dunwich road, turn right 1 mile before Dunwich village into Minsmere road, then 1 mile to Dunwich Heath
(Parking is pay and display.)