Sunday, August 31, 2014

Suffolk Walks--- Ickworth House & Park


Since we discovered more footpath and how pretty Ickworth park was, we go there quite often now. I had been there before a half dozen times, but I didn't know there were more walks.

I always walked inside park or footpath where lead to the side of church or go up to pyramid (that's what I call the tall monument Obelisk in the park)..... I never knew Albana footpath lead to big circular walks. When we discovered, I fell in love with the park, it's beautiful place. I love walk both ways from Albana footpath, either go right to see sheep (also cycling path), or walk left to the bottom. This park has lots of old trees, our favo ones are old hazelnut trees by the field and little stream, where you come out from Albana footpath into the farmer's field. Really wild and those trees are huge, I love sitting on one of branches. 

Beautifully maintained yet some parts are wild. Clean and I haven't seen dog poo bag.... Ooops, I tell a lie, I saw one yesterday. Really pisses me off, why can't they take it home, dog walkers pleeeease! 

One thursday, we cycled to Ickworth park from mine. I thought it would take long time, but it only took just over 30mins or so, so, it wasn't too bad. We did big circular, and cycled back to mine, I was tired and hungry. Following day when I went to my yoga class (cor, blimey, feeling it was even harder than usual), I couldn't work out why my legs were tight...till after. 

One of our favo trees


Pretty country side

I love walking here, every time notice how beautiful it is. At moment, I just don't get enough of it. And I love going for a cuppa after our walks to near by Spa.

Flower from Italian Garden

By the way, this park has a huge house & hotel. Also, lovely restaurant and lots of activities. Used to have more houses in the land. We once went and had a good look into the house, it was huge and beautiful. Anyway, I prefer walking and chill out by the trees though...

Ickworth House

Norfolk Walks---Grimes Graves


Marcus told me about this place, we hadn't managed to get there. He took me there once, but it was closed. I think it was winter time, it wasn't opened.

This place is run by English heritage, of course, need to pay to get in. Worth paying visit. It's neolithic frint mines. the whole area was digged, and looked really bumpy. I didn't know what to expect from the site, so, just went along. 

Next to the car park, there's a little building where you pay and a shop. They have light snacks and ice creams etc... I had a bag of crisps after our visit the mine. I was hungry (again!) People were having picnic there too. 

This grey box-like building is where you get in to the bottom of the mine. On the top of windows, there are a few holes. I wondered what they were for, apparently, they were for bats to fly in and out from the mine. Lovely!

Stairs, more like a ladder, to go down is a bit steep, and they only let you go down one at a time. For health and safety, also, they asked you to put a yellow helmet on. 

When we were down the bottom, I thought it was really dark and wet, but it wasn't too bad. Quite big area and lit the mine, so, could see what it was like.

Felt like as if someone used to live there! We spend a bit time down, and went back up again. it was busy little place with families.

This whole area was full of mines, One we saw was the biggest one. Rest of them were filled with earth. How did they know frint was deep underneath of the ground there? 

"Grime’s Graves is the only Neolithic flint mine open to visitors in Britain. This grassy lunar landscape of 400 pits was first named Grim’s Graves by the Anglo-Saxons. It was not until one of them was excavated in 1870 that they were identified as flint mines dug over 5,000 years ago. 

A small exhibition area illustrates the history of this fascinating site. Visitors can descend 9 metres (30 ft) by ladder into one excavated shaft to see the jet-black flint."

 Grimes Graves: Lynford, Thetford, Norfolk - IP26 5DE 

Suffolk Walks---Sudbury Meadow


Carried on from yesterday, we wanted to do more walks, so , decided to go to our local meadow, in Sudbury. I do like it there, every season, it has different views, and it is very pretty especially summer time. Again, it was lovely sunny day, so, as usual, we pottered round the meadow.

 Those brown cows were a little bit timid and tame. Still, cute cows, very curious animals aren't they! 

We found those black cows, they were really friendly, when we stood by the fence, came to us and say hello! Let me touch and liked my hand! They were really cute! A lady walked past with her dog, did say to me those cows were friendly. She was a local, walked the meadow everyday...

Since then, we have been to the meadow every now again for our little walks. It's a ideal place when you want to a bit peace and rest, or don't have a lot of time to drive to country side. Because this meadow id just behind the Waitrose, we buy our snacks, and eat in the meadow. Love picnic there!

Oh, by the way, on our way back home yesterday, we also stopped off to visit a cute church. It's one of our favo church, really cute. every time we go there, it's quiet.... lovely energy! Sorry, I forgot where it is, I'll add the name later.

Essex Walks---Brookes Nature Reserve


We drove round somewhere for walks, wanted to go somewhere different from where we normally go. I'm not sure how we found it, but just a tiny sign on the side of road caught our eyes.
So decided to park the car and went into the woods.....

This woods was run by Essex Wild Trust and it WAS wild! Over grown weeds and plants (when we visited) and i thought it was so green and felt summer was near by. 

This photo was the view from the car park, it does look pretty and very English country side.

Luckily, when we visited, it was sunny, and quiet. We only saw a couple with a dog there. If we would like a peaceful walks, I would defo pay another visit there. I was feeling really chilled after shopping in Freeport, well, I didn't buy anything but I like browsing round. I spend more money on food than clothes etc...... Anyway, we walked along the footpath.

"This nature reserve, owned by the Coda Wildlife Trust and managed by Essex Wildlife Trust, comprises over 40 acres of ancient woodland and some 18 acres of former arable fields, part of which has been planted up with native trees. The woods are known locally as Brooke's Woods, and the reserve is named after Thomas Brookes, the 18th-century owner."

 After our quick walks in the nature reserve, we drove off, and found a cute footpath near by. So parked the car again, and popped in to the woods. I'm not sure where it is now, but, country side like here, there are lots of footpath. Sometimes, just stop your car and potter round and see out there sounds good to me especially when we have a sunny day......

How to get there: Between Stisted and Greenstead Green north-east of   Braintree: from Greenstead 

Green the reserve is about 2km down on the right and from Stisted 3km down on the left just past 

Tumbler's Green. Park with care on the verge.