Sunday, August 31, 2014

Suffolk Walks--- Ickworth House & Park


Since we discovered more footpath and how pretty Ickworth park was, we go there quite often now. I had been there before a half dozen times, but I didn't know there were more walks.

I always walked inside park or footpath where lead to the side of church or go up to pyramid (that's what I call the tall monument Obelisk in the park)..... I never knew Albana footpath lead to big circular walks. When we discovered, I fell in love with the park, it's beautiful place. I love walk both ways from Albana footpath, either go right to see sheep (also cycling path), or walk left to the bottom. This park has lots of old trees, our favo ones are old hazelnut trees by the field and little stream, where you come out from Albana footpath into the farmer's field. Really wild and those trees are huge, I love sitting on one of branches. 

Beautifully maintained yet some parts are wild. Clean and I haven't seen dog poo bag.... Ooops, I tell a lie, I saw one yesterday. Really pisses me off, why can't they take it home, dog walkers pleeeease! 

One thursday, we cycled to Ickworth park from mine. I thought it would take long time, but it only took just over 30mins or so, so, it wasn't too bad. We did big circular, and cycled back to mine, I was tired and hungry. Following day when I went to my yoga class (cor, blimey, feeling it was even harder than usual), I couldn't work out why my legs were tight...till after. 

One of our favo trees


Pretty country side

I love walking here, every time notice how beautiful it is. At moment, I just don't get enough of it. And I love going for a cuppa after our walks to near by Spa.

Flower from Italian Garden

By the way, this park has a huge house & hotel. Also, lovely restaurant and lots of activities. Used to have more houses in the land. We once went and had a good look into the house, it was huge and beautiful. Anyway, I prefer walking and chill out by the trees though...

Ickworth House

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