Sunday, March 12, 2023

Suffolk Walk: Framlingham

 One week-day in March....

One week-day in March, we ventured out to Framlingham. It's not far either, only 20mins or so by car. I do love Framlingham. Beautifully quirky town. It has a castle, a church, and a new community centre. funky shops and a little market in the centre of the town. It has a cafes and pubs, and a yoga studio too. This town is small but has what you need. 

We are so lucky to have quirky places in Suffolk, no need to go far for fresh air.

That day, we walked around the castle, then visited the church. Exploring history, always interesting. Because of history, we are here, where we are today. We need to learn from history however, us, humans seem to have a such short term memory or being taken over a huge ego and greed, this history tend to repeat itself, which is really sad to see all this conflicts, racism and wars around the globe.

 Anyway, back to Framlingham. 

We do love visiting churches and monasteries. ( Also temples and shrines) some churches have lovely energy, peaceful and sacred. And Framingham church is one of them. Sometimes churches were built along the lay-lines where Mary line and Michael line run through west of England to France. The ton I used to live in Bury St Edmunds has both lines connects and separate again. Our Suffolk has a deep history, along with beautiful nature. So grateful to be here. 

Framlingham castle looks really magical, all we need is ; some wizard, elves and hobbits! 😆

My niece is visiting this summer, she is a huge fan of Harry Potter. So, I shall take her here for a bit of sightseeing, let her imagine harry Potter and his mates flapping their wands! 🤩

Here are some photos from the church.

Met a cute doggos in the square. They are pair of them. So fluffy😍

Where shall we go for a walk today? 

Suffolk Walk: Snowdrops & Dunwich Greyfriars

 One Saturday afternoon in March...

Dunwich isn't far from us, we only live in a market town of Saxmundhm🤩 Dunwich is one of our favorite place for our little walk. Since my illness, I am not able to walk too far, so walk in Greyfriars is perfect. It has sea view, history, beautiful snowdrops in winter, lovely footpaths, and peaceful. 

We used to go for different places for snowdrops but this year, not able to visit, that was due to I was in Japan early this month which were one of reasons... By the time I came back, the most of snowdrops were going out, still, it was very pretty. I feel grateful to be able to see them after my return. 

Greyfriars is a hidden spot for snowdrops, not many people walking in the season either. So, I would definitely recommend, and afetr your walk, why don't you pop down to Ship for your lunch? I have not been there yet, but I have seen on Time Team. When The team came to Dunwich carpark and Greyfrias to dig a couple of trenches, on their break ( after the day) they had a beer and chips etc in the pub. Looked very cozy! This episode is still on youtube. Very interesting, I love anything historical locally. Whether Romas, Anglo Saxons, Iron age or mediaeval... Or even older... Dinosaur time!