Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Suffolk Walks-- Autunm in Anglessey Abbey

Here we come, we were there again! Anglessey Abbey.
I think this was our 3rd time to visit here, snowdrops were very pretty in winter.
When we got there, it was nice and spacious, enjoying some walks in the beautiful gardens. We were well chuffed we didn't have to pay, we now have membership, just keep visiting the National Trust places! Hooray!

Gardens there looked different from last time we were there, of course, trees were changing colours, different plants were coming out from the grounds. Wow, all though year, we can enjoying the gardens.

This time, we went into the house:
"See Lord Fairhaven's country house at Anglesey Abbey, where he lived and entertained guests.
As an avid collector of antiquities, he amassed a vast selection of paintings, silverware, clocks and other items which can be seen throughout the house.
Immerse yourself in Lord Fairhaven's way of life as you visit the house."
Some of his collections were impressive, I was fantasizing how much they would fetch on eBay.... and got a bit excited(in my head). I loved some of the bathrooms, very 40-50's, I love anything quaky vintage. Anglessy Abbey used to an Abbey with monks, I would love to see what it was like when it was built and how monks lived, pray and eat.

Here's some photos of the trees:

Started changing colours

Pretty flowers in light

It was beginning of this month we went there. It was mild still, and we were having lovely autumn till a few days ago (we had  bad storm). Now, lots of leaves were coming down, due to the storm we had on the weekend just gone, tree blanches were broken, rose hips were really soft, I was told our first frost was over a week ago, I completely missed it, and now need to wait till next year to try to make rose hip powder...never mind...

Anyway, come back to the Abbey. 
We found a few button mushrooms on the ground. (We also found poisoness ones ) Of course, we picked them (only found 2-3 small ones) and take them home for our dinner. I was a bit suspicious about the mushrooms we picked, they did look button mushroom and smelt like that too. I cooked them that night, I only had a bit, I gave most to Marcus, I didn't want to get tummy ache..... It proved that they WERE edible button mushrooms, we are still here today alive... Thank God!

We walked along the river, past the Lode Mill, back to the garden. Wondered how to get to the other side of the river. Saw nice footpath leading to the field next door. We reckon the footpath is outside the Abbey, there must be somewhere to get to it. We haven't managed to found it yet, will let you know when we do. 
Tree with a huge mouth! I think he's singing
 We had our light snack sitting on one of benches looking at flowers and people watching. Then he suggested if we could pop into Cambridge, and I got a bit excited...I really like Cambridge, its' a nice city. The most importantly, it has a lovely health food shop! ☺☺☺

So after our snacks, we headed to Cambridge. 

Where shall we go next week????


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