Wednesday, November 21, 2012

18/NOV Wandlebury Wonderland Walk

Wandlebury is a magic place and again, it's a very special for me and Marcus too. I'm not going into detail, but we both love this park. 
Somehow I missed it very much, I was thinking about walking along the Roman road. So, when Marcus came round to stay at mine on the weekend, I asked if we could go there. Of course, that meant popping into Cambridge TK-MAXX too. ☺And he knew it.  I know it's naughty to keep popping in and spend money, but can't help myself for good bargains. I don't really buy a lot for myself, but for making my holiday money! ☺ Anyway, after popping into the huge shop, we managed to find our way to the Wandlebury park. We just followed signs to Adenbrooks Hospital. We remembered it was near there. Last year we went, we got lost a bit, a year before, Marcus drove there without getting lost. Miracle. Previous visits there, it was warm, I fell a sleep on the grass. But this time, ground was wet so that I couldn't fall asleep.
We started wondering around. Leaves on trees were still colourful, and the same time they were getting bearer and bearer... We were following the footpath, did big circle, and came back to the car park... I wanted to walk along the Roman road. I started feeling myself a bit grumpy...Where was it? Eventually we found it, I thought a moment, it was different place. thanks to Marcus, he remembered where it was. ☺ 
This Roman avenue leads to another Roman road which starts from Cambridge, finishes in Haverhill. It's a loooon way, but we'd love to walk that one day with our snacks and smoothies. 
I love the avenue because almost as if I time tripped into different era and to me, it has really cool energy. One day I love to visit all the significant places(all pyramids in the whole world, Jersarem, Mecca, Tibet, China great wall, all the stone monuments etc...) and feel them!!! When I close my eyes, I can feel inside, I'd love to feel it physically. One day!

Anyway, we saw cute cow chilling out between the tree, tried to talk to her/him but we were ignored. ☹ Never mind, he/she was maybe thinking, didn't want to get bothered by humans!

Here's some photos I took in Wandlebury. Very pretty aren't they? It was mild and even sun was out. So we made the most of it. And it was awesome day and walk.

    We were walking on the carpet of leaves! It was very very autumny. When we were admiring those colours of leaves on trees, a older lady stopped and spoke to us how splendid trees were up in Scotland last week. Wow! When I see nature like that, I always feel very grateful to be able to do that. So, I always enjoy and breath the colours and air in and fill me inside! And then, when I get home, I can still feel it inside. Every time I frustrate /stressed at work, I just need to remember to breath in the colours and air, and breath out frustration/stress out. Actually I started doing that recently, and it works(for me)! 

This is the Roman road/avenue. It's beautiful. In summer, it's proper green tunnel and smells gorgeous with leaves, trees and plants. It's defo worth visiting for walks. The day we went, it was quite busy, car park was almost full, never seen such many people there before, but by the time we got there, it was quiet. It's a big park, also, there's a big green where families can have a picnic, play footballs and having fun. I don't remember parking fee, I'm sure it was a couple of quid. And now they have parking space for bicycles too!
Look! Found a funny tree too. Looks like a granddad! Or only me think so?

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