Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Suffolk Walks---Hillhouse Wood 12/May

This is defo one of my favo woods to spend time in. It's a beautiful little woods with sea of bluebells in May. We now go there every year to have a look cute bluebells. 
First time Marcus took me there, I never never saw anything like that before. Everywhere I looked, there was bluebells. Little river, smell of wild garlic, and birds singing... It was magic.

Last week, I started to hear about bluebells were coming up everywhere. I thought "I must to get to the magic woods.." Only happens once a year, I didn't want to miss the opportunity. Something about the woods I loooove, make me miss it if I didn't visit for a while.

It's near West Bergholt, Essex. 
I found this on their website. "A mosaic of different woodland types makes Hillhouse Wood particularly interesting – and well worth the trek along a track from the car park on the edge of the village. Soon after entering the wood you encounter such delights as a pond, recently opened up and a magnet for dragonflies and, as a result of historic hazel coppicing, a seasonal carpet of bluebells covering the woodland floor in spring.
Summer birdlife include the nightingale, blackcap, garden warbler, sparrowhawk and hobby. Blackthorn bushes on the ride edge attract the white letter hairstreak butterfly."

Apparently it's at least 1000years old. No wonder felt something about this wood made me feel ancient.

As you get into the wood, on your right hand side, there were bits little wild orchids grew. Only that bit, nowhere else in the woods. Isn't it magic, those orchids knew where to live & finding suitable habitat. They are very very cute.

 Around there, already bluebells everywhere. Everywhere I looked, bluebells. Looked as if all trees were coming out from the sea of bluebells. 

 We spend good couple hours there, pottering, having snacks and chatting. Our favo place to sit in this woods is looking out to the Essex country side through bluebells and a big tree. Love the contract of the colours. Nature is very clever to make and combine such colours. 

I'd love to visit this weekend too before they are gone. Also, it has lots of wild garlic. I love the smell. It's wonderful, makes me want to eat them. I didn't know till now it was edible. Leaves, stalks and bulbs are all edible. Can be streamed, fried or eat as raw in salads. Mmm, sounds yummy. I think in Japan, we eat them lots. I think it's the same kinds anyway. Smell the exactly the same. Anyway, I'd love to find them outside of nature reserve, so that I can pick and cook/eat.

By the way,  U.K has 50% of world population of bluebells. Wow, that's a lot! I don't think I ever saw them in Japan, then again, I probably never noticed....

Tomorrow, We are going to Agar Fen & Spouse's Vale for more bluebells!

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