Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Suffolk Walks---Arger Fen & Spouse's Vale 13/May

 Apparently, everyone (Marcus's friends and clients) were talking about this nature reserve for bluebells. He reckons it was advertised on magazines or national or Essex newspaper....

I didn't really believed it, it had wonderful carpets of bluebells. I thought "not like our magic woods!". So, we went to have a look. This nature reserve Marcus took me about a year ago. We bumped into an old mate of his and his little family. I'm sure it was summer time, I remember seeing cherry trees, thinking love to visit in spring when all those blossom trees were blooming. Here we were, just finishing last blooming, it was a bit windy day, pedals were falling from sky. It was pretty.

We probably walked about nearly 2hours including pottering time. I didn't remember it was this big last time we came here... Marcus reckoned they opened up more footpath.

I really like the reserve, up and down, flat bits, and had lots of texture. Yes, Yes, Yes, we saw bluebells.

First, when we went into the woods, I thought " is that it???" Well well well, it didn't disappoint me at all. Basically, this woods were fairly big (much bigger than Hillhouse wood), so they were kind of spreading out. And it WAS sea of bluebells and wild garlic!!!

Wild life trust website says: "The reserve's contrasting habitats of dry wooded hillside and damp valley floor create a rich environment for wildlife and visitors alike. Many rare and declining species find refuge here including the scarce hazel dormouse and barbastelle bat. As you walk around the reserve you may notice many humps and areas of freshly excavated sand. This is evidence of the healthy badger population on the reserve. The woodland is important for its wild cherry trees, which have survived in impressive numbers."

 It wowed me.  It was very very pretty. It was like a fairy tail magic world! I felt someone else was with us. Was it a spirit person? or a fairy? 

Few smiley walkers were having a rest and taking photos of bluebells. Enjoying the view. 

Personally I prefer Hillhouse wood for bluebells. I suppose it feels cozier and somehow very comforting. 

Oh! I mustn't forget to mention, on our way back to the car park,  we heard cuckoo birds singing! Somehow it was very relaxing listening too. It's a lovely reserve!

It's been beautiful and very relaxing 2 days spending in bluebell woods. 

Arger Fen, nr Assington

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