Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Suffolk Walks---Covehithe

Haven't been to Covehithe for ages. This is yet another beautiful place on the Suffolk coast. Not far from Southwold, Marilyn told us she used to walk along the beach with her picnic when she was a young girl. Lovely place to walk and relax. Last time we visited there, I didn't have my wellies, so didn't want to go for walk, we just pottered in the ruined church. I remember we came here one summer, people were having a picnic. It was lovely and warm sunny summer day. Today, it was grey and cloudy, still, beautiful and picturesque.


Cor, blimey, by the time we got there, there were loads of cars parked up along the roads, one to Southwoud, one to Wrentham. Apperantly, it becomes more and more popular with walkers. It wasn't as popular as now, lots of people favoured Southwold for their little walks.

To Southwold

It was, due to rain and windy days we had, sand dunes were almost flattened, land was falling, trees were falling down to the beach which opened up the earth, interesting patterns appeared. It always fascinates me that bottom of the layer was from millions of years ago, then, as time passed by, more and more strata was formed. 

Luckily, after 30mins or so walking on the footpath ( it starts from just before the church on the right hand side. This footpath wasn't there before, it must've opened up recently. I think they closed the old footpath because it wasn't safe anymore. ) , the sun came out. Yipppppie!


We walked towards Southwold, watching, observing the sea and the land. It was beautiful. We stood on squeezy bit, more we thump, more we got sunk into the sand.  W(`0`)W  It was fun. 

We picked up lovely stones for souvenirs for ourselves. We wanted to find some precious stones and ambers, but didn't find any... According to Marilyn, apparently, it need to be the right temp, time and tied for amber. 

How to find amber: After stormy day seem to be the best, so, when we went there, weather was pretty good for it. They usually stay in the bottom of the sea, storms and leaves collect them to the beach. So, that means, they might well be between leaves and sea grasses...They look still orange, yellow and golden colour. Stormy weather quite often brings them in winter, so probably the best to go and find them. I'm sure, we can find them in Suffolk coast. Now, I would love to do amber hunting next!

Before we knew it, the sun started going down already. We decided to head back for our late lunch/ tea. Always finding more and more to explore in Suffolk, even places we have visited many times. Always see different things in nature and never get me bord! (*^o^*)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Autumn Holiday in Japan: Kyoto ( 京都)

Bullet train "Nozomi 105"

21/ Nov

How exciting, it was my turn to get on the bullet train to Kyoto. Bullet trains were really good, they had every 15 mins or so, and could easy to get a ticket even just 30 mins before getting on the train. It was clean, they get cleaned as soon as people get off at the Tokyo station where bullet trains terminate and leave to different destinations in the country. Train cleaning people clean them really quick and tidy up for new travelers. 

I was trying to take a few shots for the face of the bullet train, it was too quick for me. I wasn't successful. So, took a shot of inside.

Train journey to Kyoto was very pleasant, busy with business people, yet it was very quiet. No one was speaking on mobile phones, that was nice.

I got even more excited when I saw Mt. Fuji, oooooh, it was beautiful o(^▽^)o . It had a white hat on, looked kinda cute. I really felt so grateful and be alive to witness this beautiful mountain that day. Luckily, it was sunny, as soon as when I got to Kyoto, it got cloudy.  Took about little less than 3 hours, really quick. 
Mt.Fuji, the view from the window

Right, I was in Kyoto station, not knowing the exit I came out was different one from my friend Kazuya told me to get out. He was supposed to pick me up from the station, then pick Marcus up for a sightseeing. Plan didn't work. We were trying to meet up for ages, probably spent good an hour or so, going back and forth, talking on Skype ( that was the only option I had to get in touch with him. No payphone in Japan anymore! Hard to find.), thanks to Internet/ mobile wi-fi/ broadband, I managed to get hold of him and met up. 

On that evening, we went round Kyoto a bit, then, off to the organic Italian restaurant called da.maeda (please see my other blog for foods!). We had yet another lovely evening.  o(^_-)O

Underground car park
They don't have anymore space to create any parking upstairs, so built underground car park, more and more places like this increasing in Japan. Underground bicycle parking is one of them and very popular.

Traditional Kyoto tofu restaurant
 We were initially going to this Kyoto tofu restaurant, but we realised all stock was taken from bonito /katuo which was tuna. I was reminded, west of Japan favoured Katuo, east of Japan favoured Kombu (Seaweed) for their dashi (stock). Anyway, Kazuya needed to look for some other options.
And it was good one too! Thanks to Kazuya, took us to a lovely vegan restaurant.

Very Japanesy

Old traditional shop selling Tawashi 
 Tawashi is made from fiber of a hemp palm, we love using this to scrub vegetables, do washing up, cleaning, etc This shop was actually quite pricey, but excellent quality products, it wasn't too brittle either. I bought a few, I gave one to my mum. I think she was really pleased with the gift from Kyoto, bless her. I gave my dad, a miniature tawashi made into a keyring. He was also pleased with it. Bless.

Kazuya standing outside the Tofu restaurant


After our dinner, we went back to the accommodation Marcus was staying. Wow, it reminded me of old days. It was exactly like old Japanese apartment back in 70's/80's. Places like these are really rare now, they usually get demolished and build a new block of apartments/flats/ tall flats. It had small rooms, but I thought this apartment / flat was really cute. 


This was used to as a dining/living area back in days. The little room with a table was a bed room. Tiny. It usually come with sliding door with huge compartments, where we put futons, clothes etc away. This is called Oshiire (押し入れ). When I was a little girl, I wasn't really keen on it, looked dark and huge space (to a little girl!), kinda freaky. As I got older, I grew to like it, and for a while, I ended up sleeping in it. My mum wasn't happy. ☹☹☹

Outside downstairs
Anyway, this Accommodation, had everything we needed, and very comfortable, ideal for long stay. Marcus was there for 5 days, and loved it. It situated just outside of Golden Pavilion (金閣寺), very close to bus stops, convenience stores and all amenities.

I wish I could stay longer than 1 day in Kyoto, maybe next time, I would love to spend at least a week there.

Golden Pavilion House ゴールデンパビリオンハウス:

 Address: Kita-ku Kinugasa Gosyonouchi-cho 2, Kyoto, 603-8378, Japan

Autumn Holiday in Japan: Yokohama China Town


In the morning I took train to see my friend, Kaz who I used to hang out in London. We used to share a knackered house on the Holloway Road with others, that was where we met. He had all sorts of music equipments and computers. I still remember we went to one of his gigs in Comden town. Now he makes his music with Iphone5!

In that house, there were Japanese, Algerians, Welsh, Irish, Eastern Europeans etc, it was very cosmopolitan. It was good old days!  (*^_^*)

It was lovely to meet him, hadn't seen each other since he left London, so, it was looooong time. We had lots to catch up, he's now happily married with a sweet daughter, his music and job...

He picked me up from JR Ichgaya station (市ヶ谷駅), drove to Yokohama (横浜). Cor, blimey, it was long time since I went there, used to go there often to eat good rustic granny's Chinese food. When we got there, I looked for the restaurant, it wasn't there anymore. Shame, granny used to cook good Taiwanese food, and it was good. Also, reasonable.

It was Sunday, after I sent off Marcus to Kyoto from Tokyo station, so, it was well after lunch time.
Yokohama china town was really busy  just as how I remembered on Sundays, not sure where we could go for lunch.

First of all, we stopped for tea and sweet things. We chatted about a few hours or so, then went out to find a place for noodles. He also showed me how to use his mobile internet device. I couldn't get in their wi-fi, so Kaz kindly lend me his contract mobile device. Pay about 20p a month, and rest , pay as you go contract. It had good connection too. It came really handy some point. 

Anyway, they are some photos from Yokohama. 

One of the gates to the China town

Very far Easterny shop!

My friend Kaz

About Kaz: http://soundcloud.com/kazmashino
                   Japanese Electronic music producer, spent 4 years in 
                   London in 90's
                   father of a girl, a husband, also a software engineer
try his music at: http://soundcloud.com/kazmashino
buy his music at: http://p.tl/8D4b
Twitter: kazmashino

Autumn Holiday in Japan (10th-24th Nov): Shinjuku-gyoen (新宿御苑)

We went to Shinjuku Gyoen twice while we were in Tokyo. This was yet another place I'd NEVER been. I heard so much about it, yet, never went. Actually, it was a lovely park, trees, flowers, ponds, grass, and green house with exotic plants. It was in the middle of Tokyo, easily accessible, and perfect for picnic. When we went, twice, it was lovely and warm, families, friends, and even group of people doing a yoga class there. 

It was funny to watch so many people, including myself (^_-), taking photos of trees and plants, and I saw why English people stereo typed Japanese with cameras. But, but, but, I must say, I saw Germans and French people doing that too, AND, Koreans and Chinese! We are not the only nation love taking photos. 

It was a bigger place than what I expected, also well looked after. approximately 10 mins from JR Shinjuku station (新宿駅), or Sendagaya (千駄ヶ谷駅). We walked from our favo tube, marunouch line Shinjukugyoen-mae (丸ノ内線 新宿御苑前), only took us 5 mins or so, and easy enough to find. To be honest, I didn't have a slight foggiest where we were going, but I saw trees across road from the tube station. 

First place caught our nose and eyes were curry house on the corner. Smelt fantastic, I had to stop and smelt it for a few minutes before we carried on walking to the garden. (They even had an Asian/ Indian chef in their open kitchen! oooh, very exotic!!!)

Soon, we found the way in to the park gate called Okido mon (大木戸門), paid 200 yen to get in. I know it's not free, not like Hyde Park or St. James's Park in London. To me, it was worth paying 200 yen, liked the green house, I wanted to pick the cacao bean there, which looked time to get picked...., we didn't do it, we weren't that naughty..... (。-_-。)

This park used to be emperor's garden in 1906, after the second world war in 1949, it was opened up to the public as a national garden. It contains 3 types of gardens: English landscape garden, French formal garden, and Japanese traditional garden. 

To me, personally, love Japanese traditional garden in Japan. We all know that's what we do the best.(garden wise...) (^_-)

Here's some photos from the garden.

It was beautiful, maple trees and ginko trees started changing colours. Defo recommend to visit Japan in mid to late November just for this! 

Shinjukugyoen  新宿御苑:
Address: 11 naito machi, Shinjuku ku, Tokyo, 160-0014
Tel: +81 33350-0151
Opening hours: 9.00-16.00
Admission Fee: 200 yen for an adult

Autumn Holiday in Japan (10th-24th Nov): Kuramadera, Kyoto (鞍馬寺,京都)


This mountain and temple were Marcus's favo place in Japan. He went there before, looooong time ago, when he was younger. He did 21 day fast and camped there. Sounds hippy doesn't it? He was a hippy and a bit crazie, but hey hoo, when I walked up into the mountain,  I could see the beauty of this mountain. It was magic. 

Before we went back to Tokyo, we popped up to Kuramayama (鞍馬山). Took eizan train (叡山電車) from demachiyanagi (出町柳). Cor blimey, lots of O.A.P were wearing their walking outfit, chatting away, heading to the mountain. What the most stood out was; quite often those old ladies had wrong sized backpacks. They looked really big and weren't fit to their back. C'mon, shop people, didn't you help to choose backpacks with them? According to my dad, because it was still new to them, they just like wearing the outfit. But, but, but, what if they got bad back? (⌒-⌒; )

Didn't take long time to get to Kurama. About 20mins or so. Even train journey there was very very nice indeed. View was awesome, went through beautiful tunnel of acer/maple  trees changing colours moreover I felt like I experienced Japan I used to know.

Now, we were heading into the magic mountain!

Kurama dera

Maou no taki (magic water fall)

Those cute dragons everywhere in this mountain!

Huge pine tree

This was only the beginning. We saw more magic!

Started seeing more and more trees in beautiful colours. Needed to go up more!

Beautiful, isn't it? On top of this magic mountain, more and more trees had red, yellow and oranges with some greens. It was gorgeous! It was like...I was fading away with them... 

Well, according to the guy who run/owned the guest house we stayed, this was "Rusta" colours. Gave me a big smile when I heard that. ☺☺☺o(^▽^)o

me doing qi-gong posture ☺☺☺

Blessing our raw chocolate♥ before demolishing

Magic spiral tree
Reminded me of La Gomera

Going down the mountain

Kurama Temple
Address: Kurama Honmachi, Saikyo-ku
               Kyoto, Japan
Phone: +81 75 741-2003
Entrance Fee: 200 Yen