Sunday, December 14, 2014

Autumn in Wicken Fen


It was the same weekend we went there, it felt like colder and felt more wintery. We walked the nature trail, every time we saw hides, we went in and watched birds. That day, not many birds were about, at least that was how I felt. Once we saw herons, birds of prey, little cute birdies, but where were they???

We met an couple who loved visiting national trust sites as well as RSPB site, very chatty old couple told us where they visited for last a couple months. I thought that was I would love to do when I retired, get a camper van and potter round rest of my life...

Oh, we need to work a little bit more harder till then, I've got no savings..........

Here's some photos from Wicken Fen.

Autumn colours in Dunwich


This is yet another place we sometimes visit, Dunwich. Marcus's mum lives not far from there, we love this side of Suffolk too.

This time, Marcus (my boyfriend) took me to this chapel. He told me Haunted earth (my favo channel on YouTube) visited there too. I do like the channel, not only he does paranormal stuffs, also, he does programs about histories of places in Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk and he does west side of the country too. I like it because "local". And he explains really well. 

Anyway, here's some photos from the day.

We went into RSPB site too, and watching cute birds eating some snacks...
Then I found out, birds watching was quite peaceful and therapeutic...... Not sure how long, we sat in hides and watched birds coming and going.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Autumn colours in Anglessy Abbey


We love visiting Anglessy Abbey, all seasons. Autumn colours were very pretty, we thought Anglessy Abbey was the good place to explore the colours. 

It was beautiful, those colours were so awesome, it was a bit chilly day, still, warm in the sun. Now, I look back, all trees out side my windows were bear, cold and dark night. Sunsets early, 4 pm, it's dark. I don't want to go out even for my yoga class, I get lazy, want to stay at home watching YouTube. Whereas in autumn days, I love to go and about watching trees and listening to birds singing...

I told my friend this morning, "Soon be summer!" So, enjoy the winter with nice hot drink....

Cambridge with Damon & Billy


My friend Damon and his boyfriend from Australia came here for their holiday. I hadn't see Damon and Billy for long time, 3 years or so. Last time they visited here, we met up in London. This time, we met up in Cambridge. 

Me and Damon used to work together, long time ago in London. When I was cheffing in restaurants in Soho (Frith street, now it's oriental restaurant, sadly...) . We had fun. That was good old days. When Damon went back to Australia, I was really sad. I went to see him once, in Queensland.

We met up in Starbucks in the square, I thought it was a good and easy place to meet up. I spotted them outside, I was already inside having my coffee and chilling out. It was lovely to see them again, felt like there was no time gap, we chatted a lot. 

Billy and Damon bought many Cd's from both music shops and Charity shops. I was pleased that they liked going round charity shops to find bargains (one of my favo activities!).

Here's some photos from the day....

Me & Damon

Billy & Damon

We had some quick snack/dinner before we parted in a pub in the town. Cambridge is a very pretty city and it has a lovely health food shop too. We both enjoyed the day and they were heading up to London....

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Suffolk Walks--- Ickworth House & Park


Since we discovered more footpath and how pretty Ickworth park was, we go there quite often now. I had been there before a half dozen times, but I didn't know there were more walks.

I always walked inside park or footpath where lead to the side of church or go up to pyramid (that's what I call the tall monument Obelisk in the park)..... I never knew Albana footpath lead to big circular walks. When we discovered, I fell in love with the park, it's beautiful place. I love walk both ways from Albana footpath, either go right to see sheep (also cycling path), or walk left to the bottom. This park has lots of old trees, our favo ones are old hazelnut trees by the field and little stream, where you come out from Albana footpath into the farmer's field. Really wild and those trees are huge, I love sitting on one of branches. 

Beautifully maintained yet some parts are wild. Clean and I haven't seen dog poo bag.... Ooops, I tell a lie, I saw one yesterday. Really pisses me off, why can't they take it home, dog walkers pleeeease! 

One thursday, we cycled to Ickworth park from mine. I thought it would take long time, but it only took just over 30mins or so, so, it wasn't too bad. We did big circular, and cycled back to mine, I was tired and hungry. Following day when I went to my yoga class (cor, blimey, feeling it was even harder than usual), I couldn't work out why my legs were tight...till after. 

One of our favo trees


Pretty country side

I love walking here, every time notice how beautiful it is. At moment, I just don't get enough of it. And I love going for a cuppa after our walks to near by Spa.

Flower from Italian Garden

By the way, this park has a huge house & hotel. Also, lovely restaurant and lots of activities. Used to have more houses in the land. We once went and had a good look into the house, it was huge and beautiful. Anyway, I prefer walking and chill out by the trees though...

Ickworth House

Norfolk Walks---Grimes Graves


Marcus told me about this place, we hadn't managed to get there. He took me there once, but it was closed. I think it was winter time, it wasn't opened.

This place is run by English heritage, of course, need to pay to get in. Worth paying visit. It's neolithic frint mines. the whole area was digged, and looked really bumpy. I didn't know what to expect from the site, so, just went along. 

Next to the car park, there's a little building where you pay and a shop. They have light snacks and ice creams etc... I had a bag of crisps after our visit the mine. I was hungry (again!) People were having picnic there too. 

This grey box-like building is where you get in to the bottom of the mine. On the top of windows, there are a few holes. I wondered what they were for, apparently, they were for bats to fly in and out from the mine. Lovely!

Stairs, more like a ladder, to go down is a bit steep, and they only let you go down one at a time. For health and safety, also, they asked you to put a yellow helmet on. 

When we were down the bottom, I thought it was really dark and wet, but it wasn't too bad. Quite big area and lit the mine, so, could see what it was like.

Felt like as if someone used to live there! We spend a bit time down, and went back up again. it was busy little place with families.

This whole area was full of mines, One we saw was the biggest one. Rest of them were filled with earth. How did they know frint was deep underneath of the ground there? 

"Grime’s Graves is the only Neolithic flint mine open to visitors in Britain. This grassy lunar landscape of 400 pits was first named Grim’s Graves by the Anglo-Saxons. It was not until one of them was excavated in 1870 that they were identified as flint mines dug over 5,000 years ago. 

A small exhibition area illustrates the history of this fascinating site. Visitors can descend 9 metres (30 ft) by ladder into one excavated shaft to see the jet-black flint."

 Grimes Graves: Lynford, Thetford, Norfolk - IP26 5DE