Sunday, August 22, 2021

Suffolk Walk: Carlton Marshes near Lowestoft😊


I read on twitter, there was mashes and new footpath was opened in Carlton Marshes, we thought it was near Beccles. We googled how to get there and thought it was close by. So, one afternoon this week, we drove to Carlton Marshes. Never been there before, and always exciting to visit places never been. 

Sat nav took us on funny country roads into big roads towards Lowestoft, it was very closed to Lowestoft from where we were going from. Marcus was a bit suspicious that we drove really close to Lowestoft, which we wasn't expected, it was this way. Anyway, we managed find the reserve and parked our car. 

It was lovely and well looked after, I saw kids and family having picnic in playground, considering the weather. It was quite cloudy and as if it was going to rain, that kind of typical English weather. But it didn't stop us going for a little walk. Marcus read black footpath was just opened, it was supposed to be board walk on marshes, so, we were excited about that. 

Started walking....

I was pretty sure we were following signs.  We even had a map too, somehow we were walking orange footpath 😂 (my favorite colour footpath, in my experience, when I follow orange footpath, I am always lost somewhere. ) However, although ended up following this orange footpath, we walked along river, marsh lands, seeing cows grazing, friendly people/walkers and enjoyed it. Lovely footpath. 

We saw many swans,  geese, white little eaglets ( quite a few and never seen so many in one place), Marsh Harrier, and  a little chinese water deer in further by water. I had my binoculars with me, so I could see what was going on a bit further. Never seen a little chinese water deer before, it looked like a bit muntjac, are they the same especies? 🤓

Many footpaths to try, we defo go back to explore the reserve. It was really flat so, easy to walk. I could hear train went by in the background, I would assume railway was nearby. Next time explore the area by getting on train from our local train station, get off Oulton Broad South (on East coast line by Greater Anglia from Ipswich). Apparently only 20-30 mins walk from the station, hopefully we can get there without getting lost 😆

There were hides too so I recommend to take your binoculars with you if you have one. I purchased mine a while ago from RSPB Mindsmere, and love them.  These days, everywhere I walk, I take them with me, so I can nosy round on wildlife. A staff  there helped me to choose mine, and she was very helpful. 

At the Carlton marshes, there is a cafe and a little shop, you can sit outside on the balcony overlooking the marshes. Very peaceful. 

Later, Marcus's mum confirmed him this place was his uncle's favorite place ( one of) who passed away last year. I can see why he loved it and worked there too, such peaceful, beautiful and amazing wildlife reserve. I saw a few people walking in the field, must've taken different footpath, which I felt I would like to try next time. 

On our way back home, we detoured to Halesworth to purchase more niknaks😆

Carlton Marshes, 
Burnt Hill Lane, 
Carlton Colville 
NR33 8HU

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Suffolk Walk: Heather walk in Dunwich....again😍

 At the moment, it is really beautiful in Dunwich, not only in Dunwich Heath NT, but also in Dunwich forest / woods. Full of ferns, blooming with heathers, and lush with leaves on trees. 

We've been to Dunwich nealy everyday this week. I just can't get enough of heathers.  Simply beautiful, and breathtaking in panoramic views on the heath over the sea.

Some days were cloudy, like photo above, still, it doesn't look like Suffolk, could've been anywhere. But this shingle beach and sea kales ( and could be the colour of sky!) are the tel tel sign, it is in Suffolk😊. Suffolk sea looks really funny, when it's grey like this, sea looks brown-green colour. When I scoop the water out, it looks clear. I know, it reflects the colour of the sky, but Suffolk sea never looks like one in Devon/Cornwall...Why? It is in the same country. Is it also depend on how clear the water is? I need to ask master youtube and google😂Oh, my partner's mum lives in Scotland, sea there looks really beautiful too. No pollutions I guess. 

Sunny day at the heath😍Beautiful isn't it. I know I said this many times, but I am saying it again, I am so blessed being/ living here in this side of suffolk. 💕 If I'd lived in Scotland or North wales, I probably would say the same thing. " I am so blessed! and grateful for being here💖"

I like paddling in the sea. I don't really swim, Marcus does. I tried to swim in the sea, but I wasn't going anywhere. Currents always take me to where they want to go, so, I just go with the flow. 

Then, every now and then, Marcus says : " I'll get you a paddling pool in the patio" Me: " Paddling pool? I want a swimming pool!🤣" These are one of conversations we have which go really nowhere. Another conversation he likes to say to me is: " I'll get you a body board with sharks on it, they are £10 in Co-op🤣" and he laughs. Of course I always say; " I want a cool one!" Sounds like kids conversations, I guess, sometimes fun to be childlike and laugh. Yesterday we got stuck in the traffic jams in local T junction ( which is the only ONE with traffic lights, we live in a small town but with many houses, just like any other towns these days...) . We saw a jacuzzi in a shop. This reminded him of our no-going-anywhere conversation. Marcus says: " Jacuzzi......messy...." . Me: " who? message?"  Marcus repeats: " Jacuzzi.....messy...."  Me: " Who? Who massaged you? Who is Paul?" Marcus patiently repeats again: " JACUZZI gets MESSY doesn't it."  Me: " Oh, yes.." that was how this conversation ended. Yes, I have hard hearing, and honestly, what I heard was a bits of words. You know, when I realised you could actually hear the silence ( no sound) and someone told you, that was the time I felt something wasn't right. 🤓My hearing wasn't picking up some sound....One day Marcus said; " is everyone mumbling to you? " Of course, answer to that question was "YES😂" . I am not annoyed with my hearing, I know I enjoyed a bit too much clubbing/ loud music back in days ( when I was younger...🤓) Now, I am paying for it. 

Anyway, I was chilling out today at home, up & down to my flat and his, plus, I was a bit grumpy this morning. Whilst Marcus went out for his cycle ride to Dunwich ( again), I self practiced my yoga and potter round in my flat then lunch. Love being at home too, to enjoy " doing-not-very-much". I always think when I retire, what my life would be, and certainly my life would be like I am having now. Or even slower.... having say that, retired people are very busy, busier than I am and with social life which I don't have very much😎. I remember long time ago, one of my old         friend ( at that time) said to me; " I don't know what

to do with myself" I told her She would find plenty things to do, but she didn't listen. I don't know where she is, what she is doing now, but I hope she is doing well. 

Oh, yes, I now run a yoga class every Wednesday at the local village hall. Last week, I was asked to join ladies after our class at the village hall ( downstairs) for coffee morning ( first one this year due to Covid) . It was fun, loved listening to the conversations. This reminded me of being with ladies from Country market ( former WI market). Conversations were quite "local" and spoke about jams and allotment, about village hall, local area, and local museum. I just felt a part of the community. I moved here in March, and started feeling a bit more residents rather than a visitor. Looking forward to my classes this week.  💕

Now, dinner time here, I guess start cooking...☀️😊