Saturday, August 6, 2011

Suffolk walks---Poodle weekend 29/July-1/Aug

Hooray, another poodle weekend. 2 weeks on a row! My relaxing and chilling out time in the country again.

 Cooking and making nice dinners, lovely country walks, star gazing from conservatory and having fun with Tess and Coco with a fab company. What more do I want??? I never dreamt of living and loving country side especially when I was in London or Japan.

 I convinced myself I couldn't live without being in big cities.... tube, buses, shops, pubs, clubs, mass of mass of people on street hurry to get somewhere, not wanting to stop just in case time run out. I never stopped. I always moved 100miles per hour. One day my fuel run out, I was very tired. Then moved to little country town. I know for sure that decision was the best I made.

 Since, my love to countryside grew and grew. It's my treasure being in countryside wherever I go, I now stop, watch and feel. Beauty of nature is: always changing, never the same. I want to see everything around me, I don't want to miss anything. flowers, trees, leaves, birds and more... I always love walks we do.
This is the woods to the fields.
Weather was funny. Sunny then cloudy, then warm and cold... When we went out for walk, it was a bit like that. but I saw that as typical English weather, so I was having very English experience! I was in an  English village, old English farm house, with English person in English weather. Perhaps, that was something I dreamt when I was in Japan...???
 Grey sky with moo moos. They weren't interested in us. We wanted to talked to them but ignored. Never mind.

 On the top of the hill, we found a new path. We saw some walkers too. Walking the path would now keep till next time. The poodle's house had lovely cherry plum trees. They had tones of tones of cherry plums hanging from those trees. They were yummy. We picked loads. Marcus picked some to juice and for freezer. I picked some for myself too. (I ended up juice them and froze at home)

 I think poodle family were very kind. They didn't know me really, but they let me stay with him. Thanks to poodle family!!!

They were the trees:
It was lovely and sunny day when we picked those plums. It was Sunday 31/July. I was lying on the grass, topping up my tan...even Tess was enjoying the sun.

 Marcus was busy juicing all plums he picked. The plum juice was lovely. I hoped more sunny weather to come in August. Surprise surprise, following day (Monday) was cloudy and a bit chilly.
I wonder when is the next time I spend time with Coco and Tess? Might be winter!? Look forward to the next poodle weekend!!!

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