Friday, September 30, 2011

25th/sunday, London

Marcus and I went to London to see my friends Damon and his boyfriend(please see my other blog). They came from Australia, and stayed in London for a few weeks.

 Following day, they departed to Brussels, then France.

 We met up in the best patisserie in Soho( I believe). So, We had a little time to hang about in West London. We went to Covent Garden, Soho, and I showed him one of restaurants I used to work.

 London was busy, even Sunday, there were lots of tourists in Covent Garden. It reminded me when I first went there. I was 18years old, first house I was staying with this English family wasn't nice, I got bullied by the daughter and mum. Anyway, I didn't wanna stay there, so I used to meet up with my Japanese friends and went to either Covent Garden or Camden Town.

I always loved markets, that was one of reasons why I wanted to go to London. To see all famous markets. and it was worth it!

 Anyway, I left the family (in Turnham green) after 2½month. One of my friends introduced me to Tom and Sylvia in Boston Manor. They were lovely People. They looked after me very well. I still love them dearly, but unfortunately, they both passed away. I miss them very much till this day.

 So, I was in Covent Garden all the time, I thought I knew the area inside out. But no, no, no. Marcus took me to this church, right behind the place!!!!! I was there very often for public toilet! It was there all the time.

The church was called St. Paul's church. It had court yard to the front door which surrounded by buildings. It was in the middle of West End, it was quiet and peaceful. The church was nice but what I really liked about was; there was little pass way to the outside road.

 I loved standing there, watching a man getting on a black cab, cyclists, tourists walking pass, or a man just standing there.

 I loved it because I felt there was different time going on from where I was standing. The other side of the alley way looked different world and time was moving really fast. Then I remembered, I used to walk in the city day or night, I used to find little alley ways and walk passes.

 My friend who lived in Clerkenwell, used to take me to a little pub in the middle of all those tall buddings, walking through a couple of alleyways, or even we found a church standing quietly in the middle of busy city. I wouldn't mind to go back and walk again to re-discover the area.
London has lots of lots of little tunnel(?) like this. Did Jack the Ripper killed many of his victims in dark alley ways...........??????

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Puig de Maria, Pollensa in Mallorca

Puig de maria was built in around 1300, it's got nice history as well as dark history. Still, beautiful and peaceful place. We saw lots of local people walk up and down in mornings and evenings. I saw same people twice a day, some had their dogs with them, some were walking up and running down! Cor, blimey, they do that every day??? They did look fit and healthy.

 It was typical tourist mistake to go up and down the church opposite to Puig(but we had limited amount of time). There's a church which was built en line to the Puig down in the Polensa, there were 365 steps to the top. Walking up 365 steps in the hot sun was a killer!

Last year we walked up to this church, I wasn't even feeling tired! It was nicely warm, I was even wearing my hoodie! This is the view from the church looking out to the Puig.

I love the houses along the stairs. I think lots of them are for holiday let. I always wonder how they carry their weekly shopping?

This is me with huge plant in someone's front garden. Very tropical!

There were some lovely cafes down the square. Love their coffee culture. Sitting outside having coffee/juice/tea/water and chat all day.

 Also I loved local people meet up, walk up the Puig and have a coffee/tea with the view. Both young and older generations. These are inside the Puig.

Kitchen/diner with big fire. Stone sink on the right is very old and soooo cool, I want one!!! ☺

Massive stone hall with the well. It's drinkable. The end of the hall, there's a bed room(single) too. I never stayed, I like upstairs rooms.

I took this photo from the hall way door. They display old artefacts on right side.

This is the top of the stairs. Wooden glass door is the front door. There's a restaurant and bar/reception, stairs to first floor are situated in the end of this.
This is the cute church.

It changes, but  generally, has lovely energy in this church.

My bed room. I stayed in this room before. Love the stone wall with the fab view. I could see the moon reflecting on the sea, and it was bright too! Unfortunately, I didn't see any UFOs but Sam said he saw awesome shooting star! Ooooh, I missed it!!! Gutted...☹ Neva mind. Next time!

 Accommodation was very basic, but I had a bed, a toilet next to my bed room, warm shower and wonderful view! What more do I need??? I don't really like sleeping outside rooms, but I don't mind where Luke stayed. Looked cosy. Maybe I'll ask Cati for next time???

Qi-Gong boot camp 14/sep-19/sep

Hoooray! I had fantastic time in Mallorca with my friends from Qi-Gong group. I really thought it was going to be lots of free time, lying on the beach and eating ice creams..... No, No, No! It was like boot camp, but in a fun and chilling way. And loved it. We learnt lots and lots, one point, i really thought my head was going to explode!!! (but didn't , I'm still here☺) People who I was travelling with.... Andy, Luke, Rachel and Sam... they all were very easy going, chilled and fun to be with. We laughed lots. Especially, when Luke farted, it was soooooo stink every time(from meat he was eating...), we just laughed. Anyway, we got in Polensa smoothly around 6pm, we had cuppa then went up with some veg and fruits from green grocers near by. they sell fantastic sun dried tomatoes. (they were very expensive, but worth it!) every evening, we had our dinner in the communal kitchen/diner in the monastery. Sometimes, felt a bit spooky, due to the age of the place. It was cool to eat in and spend time there. We were tired and getting late, so just had our dinner and went to bed. every morning, we got up(except one morning, they didn't come down.) 6.30am, went to our dojo(my favo place in the Puig), then Qi-Gong with sunrise. Beautiful. On second day, we were given so much information and to do, I got a bit grumpy in the afternoon...... but by the evening, I was o.k, and we did some more Qi-Gong. Rest of our stay, I enjoyed and maintained my motivation to learn, I didn't want it to end... Learning something I'm  passionate about makes me forget all my worries and it's stress relief, also, I feel content every time. Same as cooking,  feeling peace....
This is our dojo. View from there was fantastic!
Blue sky, clear blue sea, hot sun and lots of mountain. Beautiful!
With sun rise. Sun came up from one of mountains in front of us. Doing Qi-Gong with sun rise was very relaxing and energizing... (although 3am is the best time to do Qi-Gong) On our 3rd day, we went to Port de Polensa for beach and food shopping. Luke, Rachel and Sam had good swim. I didn't to go into the sea, although sea was very calm, I don't really like open beach. So I stayed with Andy in the pretty restaurant( I asked him lots of questions!!!!☺). It had big fig tree in the front garden, and looked very pretty.
They also had traditional fire place inside. I would like to be there when the fire is on. Looks cool!
The waiting staff there was very friendly, she asked me where I came from, she thought I was Vietnamese. She had Vietnamese dad, and lovely smile on her face. We bumped into her on Sunday in the Polensa market. She remembered me!!! ☺ Oh, bottom of the Puig, there were a few farm yards with fig trees and carob trees. In one of yards, we saw cute goats babies with their parents. They looked happy and peaceful.
The little goat looked very curious towards my Tiggerpooh, actually came and sniffed him!!! Arrr, bless♥ On sat(17th) we stayed all day at the Puig. I always wanted to do that. We were busy all day writing theory onto our notebook. Actually, time run out for that. We still haven't finished! Neva mind, I got something to look forward to for the future anyway! On Sunday, we went to Cala St Vicente for swim and more Qi-Gong. But ended up not doing Qi-Gong but writing in a restaurant with our coffee/water/tea. It was a bit cloudy. We swam in the clear blue water and had laugh and more laugh.
We were on this platform with some steps to the water. We were jumping off to the sea. Luke did it. Me and Sam jumped from the lowest platform.

Then this Spanish family turned up with 3 young kids. One of them and dad had swimming shorts on. After a few jumps from lower plat form, this young kid(looked about only 6 or 7years old) jumped from the highest platform without hesitation!!! It took me about 5 mins (or more) to jump off the lowest one!!! I clapped my hands. Dad looked shitting himself, now he had to do it(didn't have to, but he did).

 I love the communication when I meet local people even though I don't speak their language, I can feel warmth and sometimes I can guess( and good ones!) what they are saying.

 Like on Friday night we had B.B.Q outside. About 10pm, one of caretakers/cooks/receptionists/everything was going around on Puig to lock up some doors, he found us B.B.Qing and told us not to do it. I guessed that was what he was saying due to health and safety(fire regulations, there was no rains in Mallorca for months and climate was very dry, I don't think they have health and safety regulations, not like ones in U.K).

 So we put out the fire and made another one inside. Later Andy told me that was what they told us. I did apologised Cati( only lady who can speak English), she was very nice and smiled. Well, they said there was no rain for months! later afternoon on Sunday, started pouring down! We spend some time in a restaurant by the beach, did some more writing.

When it stopped, we took a bus back to Polensa. We ate out that nite. Everyone had either veggie or regular paella, I had some Mallorcan dish. We walked up Puig in rain...we all got absolutely soaked. I never, never got soaked like that before. It wasn't too cold either. When we got upstairs(Puig), we had shower and went to bed. It was fun anyway. I don't get experience like that often. It's good to go somewhere like the Puig to have quiet time and do some excise(up and down the Puig) and refresh mind and chilled.

 Look forward to next one! Oh, these are the Puig!

Puig de Maria is standing top of the mountain in the middle. It's not very high mountain, but path is very steep, my back of legs and hips had muscle pain all the way! ☺ It's working!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Suffolk walks---12/9/Mon Sudbury meadow

I'm going to Puig de Maria in Polensa in Mallorca on Wed. I can't wait. It's guanna be my third one to go there. Do some qi-gong and walk up the Puig. There's a very old monastery on the top of the mountain. Very basic accommodation with cosy restaurant.

 What I always surprise and impress everytime is: local old peeps walk up everyday and evening. No wonder they have strong legs. It is hard to walk up especially first time. It took me about 1½hours to get to the top on my very first time with my bag.

 But last year, I had smaller back pack, we did it for 40mins! Last year, only me, Andy( friend and instructor), and Simon. We were very chilled, didn't do lots of qi-gong or any training.

But this time, peeps who are coming with us(unfortunately, Simon isn't coming....) are first timers and would like to do lots of training.... Yes, I am looking forward to training but the same time, can't wait to eat some yummy cakes and pistachio ice cream!!! and top up my tan before my trip to France with Marcus in October.

 Anyway, Marcus thought it was good idea to do some walks and up and down steps as leg sets!!! The meadows we walked today in Sudbury was very beautiful. Although it was very windy. I wonder how tree makes such big sound when wind blows.....,

Also, I really amazed when tall trees were blowing on tops, bottoms of those trees weren't moving at all..... Then he mentioned "brace the tree" posture in qi-gong. How important to get grounded from root......It was very therapeutic walking trough there today. 
We met a guy who was standing under the one of small bridges, we had some chat, and walked together for 10mins or so. He did some our thinking for us, (he thought) we thought he was wired standing there looking at field and trees. It's good thing to do. sometimes, need to get out to the nature, spend time with it quietly. Don't have to do anything. just stand/sit there, be still. For me , the best thing I can give to myself. Anyway, we took some silly photos over the weekend. ☺
This is me being cheeky, taking micky out of one of Marcus's qi-gong photos. Well, technically speaking, posture's a bit wrong anyway. But We love cool moves!
Oooooh! Help!!!!  Falling down the beach, that was punishment being cheeky!!!! Oh dear.......☹

Suffolk walks---Walberswick 11th/Sep/Sunday

When I finished work on Fri arvo, I felt relieved. I was very tired by then from working 12 days stretch working. Mentally, I was fine but not physically, especially, my legs were very very tired. When I went my qi-gong class on Tue eve, I really enjoyed qi-gong, but not so, on last session...Combat fighting... My brain wasn't seem to coping very well to absorb all the information I was given, I just was very knackered.

 Every day, I was counting to the weekend. That's why I couldn't wait for some lovely walks and chilling on the weekend. Marcus turned up on Fri arvo, we stayed in to chill out and some chat with a dinner.

 We both don't do alcohol or clubbing anymore( due to our old age too!), staying in is just as good as any other activities peeps do.

 Following day, Sunday, We went out to Walberswick for a day. I wanted to take Karen out there in the summer, but never happened. So, it will be next summer or spring I can take her( but she drives, Me and "sate nav" navigates the way) there.

 Anyway, this was the first time for me to go there. It was very pretty and unspoilt Suffolk seaside. ( but houses looked very expensive)

 Fortunately, weather wasn't too bad, as usual, cloudy sometimes sunny weather. It wasn't cold either. I fell asleep on the beach one point in the afternoon. When I woke up, I couldn't believe I was sleep nearly an hour!

 There are huge meadows by the beach. There were nice walks to Southwold, Minsmere, and Dunwich. We found some good site for wild camping too. One night there and one night in Marylin's( she lives near by), we are sorted for next camp out!☺

 These are photos of Walberswick.

This is the way in to the beach. We didn't have to walk much to get there!

Pretty unspoilt beach.....

Those beach huts were little different from ones in Southwold. They weren't colourful, only one colour.. But, they looked nice size, could put a bed in there! (not allowed to stay over night apparently. Very expensive to buy and rent)

We walked round meadows, and then we found.....swans!

The end of our walk to the beach from the meadow, we found some samphire! They were lovely and big. Marcus told me they were samphire, but first of all, I didn't believe it till when I saw one......oooops! Do samphire grow where fresh water and salt water meet??? They don't seem to grow on the beach. Some had already changed colour to Autumny purple on the top. Also there were some purple sea plant too. Contrast of theses colours were very pretty.

After visiting Walberswick, we popped into Marylin's for a quick cuppa and chat. She was gardening when we got there. She asked a question: "Marcus you have shiny head, Are you polishing his head norie???" That was very funny, makes me giggle everytime when I remember.

 She gave us yummy apples for juicing to take home. Yippee! I got plenty fruits this Autumn for my juice!

 On our way home to Bury, we popped into Framingham castle. Then started little shower....I'd been there before. I took my parents there when they came over here to see me 3 years ago(I think, maybe 4 years ago...?). The ruined castle was bigger than I remembered. I wonder Why they built a castle there?

This is me standing the old ruins of prisoners' tower. Didn't feel very nice standing there. There was deep drop behind me, although it had metal lids on the top, still, didn't look nice. I bet prisons those days were eery, creepy, dark and dingy...My friends who went to prisons all say, they don't wanna go back there! 

By then, it started getting bit nippy. We were looking forward to nice cuppa at home! Oh, by the way, there were so many birds flying on the tree in front of the tower. They looked like small craws, but they sounded cuter. I wonder what kind of birds they were..........??????