Monday, September 12, 2011

Suffolk walks---Walberswick 11th/Sep/Sunday

When I finished work on Fri arvo, I felt relieved. I was very tired by then from working 12 days stretch working. Mentally, I was fine but not physically, especially, my legs were very very tired. When I went my qi-gong class on Tue eve, I really enjoyed qi-gong, but not so, on last session...Combat fighting... My brain wasn't seem to coping very well to absorb all the information I was given, I just was very knackered.

 Every day, I was counting to the weekend. That's why I couldn't wait for some lovely walks and chilling on the weekend. Marcus turned up on Fri arvo, we stayed in to chill out and some chat with a dinner.

 We both don't do alcohol or clubbing anymore( due to our old age too!), staying in is just as good as any other activities peeps do.

 Following day, Sunday, We went out to Walberswick for a day. I wanted to take Karen out there in the summer, but never happened. So, it will be next summer or spring I can take her( but she drives, Me and "sate nav" navigates the way) there.

 Anyway, this was the first time for me to go there. It was very pretty and unspoilt Suffolk seaside. ( but houses looked very expensive)

 Fortunately, weather wasn't too bad, as usual, cloudy sometimes sunny weather. It wasn't cold either. I fell asleep on the beach one point in the afternoon. When I woke up, I couldn't believe I was sleep nearly an hour!

 There are huge meadows by the beach. There were nice walks to Southwold, Minsmere, and Dunwich. We found some good site for wild camping too. One night there and one night in Marylin's( she lives near by), we are sorted for next camp out!☺

 These are photos of Walberswick.

This is the way in to the beach. We didn't have to walk much to get there!

Pretty unspoilt beach.....

Those beach huts were little different from ones in Southwold. They weren't colourful, only one colour.. But, they looked nice size, could put a bed in there! (not allowed to stay over night apparently. Very expensive to buy and rent)

We walked round meadows, and then we found.....swans!

The end of our walk to the beach from the meadow, we found some samphire! They were lovely and big. Marcus told me they were samphire, but first of all, I didn't believe it till when I saw one......oooops! Do samphire grow where fresh water and salt water meet??? They don't seem to grow on the beach. Some had already changed colour to Autumny purple on the top. Also there were some purple sea plant too. Contrast of theses colours were very pretty.

After visiting Walberswick, we popped into Marylin's for a quick cuppa and chat. She was gardening when we got there. She asked a question: "Marcus you have shiny head, Are you polishing his head norie???" That was very funny, makes me giggle everytime when I remember.

 She gave us yummy apples for juicing to take home. Yippee! I got plenty fruits this Autumn for my juice!

 On our way home to Bury, we popped into Framingham castle. Then started little shower....I'd been there before. I took my parents there when they came over here to see me 3 years ago(I think, maybe 4 years ago...?). The ruined castle was bigger than I remembered. I wonder Why they built a castle there?

This is me standing the old ruins of prisoners' tower. Didn't feel very nice standing there. There was deep drop behind me, although it had metal lids on the top, still, didn't look nice. I bet prisons those days were eery, creepy, dark and dingy...My friends who went to prisons all say, they don't wanna go back there! 

By then, it started getting bit nippy. We were looking forward to nice cuppa at home! Oh, by the way, there were so many birds flying on the tree in front of the tower. They looked like small craws, but they sounded cuter. I wonder what kind of birds they were..........??????

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