Tuesday, October 18, 2011

poodle meets poodle 15/sat-16/sun/oct

I really need to start studying today. Then I've decided to write a blog...it's called Norie's procrastination, and I'm pretty good at it. All I've done so far for my course(I've just applied for on-line course on nutritional therapy) is to go on amazon, put some books I need to read into my wish list, and bought cheapest books. I was really looking forward to do this course, and still am. I've got day off today, I haven't done pottering in my flat wearing my lounge clothes lately. So, I decided to do that too (till when I go for my core training this evening). I realized last night, I'm on 11days stretch again. I don't know sometimes how I get myself into 11days, 12days, 14days stretch. I used to do it all the time when I was cheffing in London. But I'm too old for that now. I don't wanna do it full stop. I don't wanna even go to work (apart from charity shop job as assistant manager. I love it), hey, tough, I need to work to earn for my living, otherwise I will be homeless again(not from work I was homeless once, but some other reason...). Anyway, I love my days off and holidays(who wouldn't), and enjoy every seconds of it!!!!! The weekend just gone, I was with Marcus and poodles in the poodle family's house doing house/poodle sitting. I love it. Lovely kitchen, diner, conservatory, and dry-store. This time we stayed only for a night. The poodle family was away to pick up an addition to their family from west country. When I was told that was what they were doing on the weekend, I was excited and wanted to see the little addition to the family. Prior to that, Tess(cheeky) and Coco(naughty) were behaving as usual with cheekiness and taking piss out of us(in a nice way). Tess, she's a big poodle living a big house with massive garden. Why does she like lying underneath the table??? Why can't she lie somewhere else???
O.K, I got it. She likes human company and fuss. Even so, she's a funny dog. Coco, she sits and sleeps on one of chairs in the conservatory. She doesn't do that when the family is around. Only when she's with us, she likes sleeping on the naughty chair. So, Marcus put his snuggle blanket on the chair for her to sleep. He's enabling her behaviour. If Jane(poodle's mum) finds out(from dog's fur on the chair, she's a detective sometimes), we get told off.....anyway, I thought Coco was cute♥ and looked pleased with her funny face that she had blanket on it.
On Sunday afternoon, Tess and Coco were a bit restless, they knew something was going on. In the late afternoon, poodle's mum rung Marcus to give him instructions: put short dog leads on both dogs, meeting with them in the front garden.

 When they arrived, Marcus was in trouble again(in a nice way), meeting place wasn't the car park it was the front garden! Oh, dear☹....

 Anyway, we all met the baby poodle. She was really cute♥ black♥ and furry♥. Fur was very very soft, not like Tess and Coco's.

 They were taking the baby poodle( Mum named her Tara! like a tv person) really well. I thought Tess was gonna be protesting saying "Woof, woof, who iz dat? woof woof, why does she get all da attention?? woof woof" instead, she was very gentle and looked very curious(just an observation), same as Coco.

 (I was doing her thinking for her,) "Oh, she's tiny! Like me☺!!!" but what Coco hasn't realised yet is that Tara is going to be a big poodle when she grows up, like Tess. I feel for her. No matter how long she lives, she always is the smallest one(or shortest one) and always will be. It's not just because I'm small(petti, sounds cuter☺) myself, my friends kids grow taller than me already when they reach 10years old etc.

 Good things comes in small packaging, that was my host mum used to say. She was small Italian lady herself.

 Anyway, "Coco and Tess meeting Tara"
Next time we are on poodle sitting, we'll be taking 3 mad poodles for a walk.....and wondering what naughty tricks learn from Coco and what cheeky behaviour learn from Tess... Future is bright!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

L' Escalet to Cap Camaret

On Saturday 8th, We did this walk. From L' Escalet to Cap Camaret, where the light house was.  We weren't gonna walk there. But set off anyway. We left L'escalet about 10.30am.

 We spend about 30mins for lunch, 20mins at the light house, 20mins for swimming(Marcus), we came came back there about 5pm. It was lovely walks, I really enjoyed it.

 To start off with, I felt like I was walking someone's back garden. I'm sure all plants and trees were natural and wild, but they were beautifully standing there.Found loads of lavenders. Imagine how lovely smell will be in the season!

 The path, some were rough, some were nice stone steps, really had texture. What I loved the most was the walking on big bear rocks. I'm not sure why, but I love rocks and stones.

 Felt amazing. I didn't get grumpy! After we had lunch sitting on lovely bench with view, saw the light house. It didn't look like really far. I was really curious. I wanted to go to the light house. So we walked. We met lots of walkers. French (I'm sure some were Germans too) people like walking!

 By the way, I was really impressed when we saw loads of cyclists on mountain roads with Tour de France outfits (basically, men in colourful Lycra) were really old! some looked about in their 60's easy! Cycling in the heat and mountain! And looked really easy and according to Marcus, "no effort". Wow, they were amazing! They all had fantastic bikes. Just once, I would like to do that too. Must be feeling sooooo good to cycle in the French mountain.

 Anyway, I took some photos from our walks.
This pine tree reminded me of Japan....We have amazing pine trees in Japan too.

This is view from outside of the light house(owned by French M.O.D).

This is the magic island, Cap Camaret.

It was clear sky that night. We saw some shooting stars. Look forward to our next adventure. Nighty night.

Chestnut village and the forest-Collobrieres

On Thursday, we went to Chestnut forest and the village. Marcus had this idea to find chestnut forest. He didn't know exactly where, but had map, so went out to explore. We found the village. 
I think this is how I imagined country French village. It was very very pretty♥ and rustic.
Very old 13th century church.

After visiting the village, we set off to the forest. And to the Monastere de la verne. It was huge! and surrounded by untold numbers of wild chestnuts trees. Of course, we were scrumping the chestnuts. They were yummy. 
It was €6 to get into the monastery. I especially loved one of basement(?) stone chapel. Energy there was soooo cool. Really spiral!

 Amazing monastery, and very simple, very tastefully restored. I could feel almost as if it was exactly like that years and years ago.

 Apparently, Marcus told me lots of lay lines were crossed there. No wonder felt really spiral down there and had different energy in each churches. Oh, only photo I took was this inside the monastery. Taking photos were prohibited.
This is hand basin in the toilet(for tourists) there. I thought it was cool.

 lovely chestnut trees!

 Next time we want to stay in the village for a few days......

Beach and Walk...L'Escalet and Gigaro

After Qi-Gong and our brekkie we set off to the beach in L'Escalet. We walked about 30-40mins from there to Cap Taillait. It had 2 beaches on both side. We chilled there.

 On our way there, we found some cool places(platforms) to chill(on rocks), but they were all taken.

When I got home, I found 8 mozzie bites! Even When I went to Mallorca, I managed to stay off from them, now, they got me... Very itchy. Luckily, we had some insect repellent and cream from (mad and kind) English lady next door.

So, next couple of days till I bought Tegarome oil(essential oil with herbs and lavenders) from the health food shop in the village, we creamed ourselves every day.

 On Wednesday, we drove down to Gigaro for beach and walks. Marcus said, "let's go for a little walk before going down to the beach." So, we parked the car, and started walking.

Walk was amazing, into the Cap Lardier National Park. Again, French do this very well, marvellous sign post, beautiful foot path along the coast with fantastic views.

We ended up walking 4 hours in hot weather. I got a bit grumpy. In my head, thinking, "he told me it would be a little walk, it's not little walk...I'm hungry!" Ah, sometimes I like me being grumpy, it's funny. It's not funny at the time, but after a few hours, look back,  my "grumpiness", oh, dear, sounds like a child, Norie!!!!!

This is L' Escalet, we were walking towards path to Cap Taillait.

This is French walking sign post. Very informative!!!!

And, there were lots of different paths to explore!

Found some cool  trees.

very nice foot path

This was why we walked.  The VIEW!!!! I think I stopped being grumpy by that time. We took photos there on top of some really old fort (now ruin). We saw Cap Taillait behind us. Every time when I see beautiful views, always make me forget I'm grumpy. (I'm not always grumpy though. Only sometimes........☺) I think I took over this from my dad. But more like sulking......

Anyway, after looking at beautiful view, we walked back to the beach in Gigaro and had swim and sunbathing!!!! My favo activities!!!
We loved L'Escalet so much, we went back there Friday and Saturday also. On Thursday, we chilled on one of awesome rocks. We did Qi-Gong there.

On Friday, We went for long walk. this, I was expecting it to be loooong, so, I didn't get grumpy and hungry! hooray. Tell you more later.

This is me doing Qi-Gong on the rock. Marcus loved doing Qi-Gong there too. Magic!

South of France 2/oct-9/oct

Hooray, it was my first time in South of France! I've been to Paris and Calais. I went to Calais with a couple of my Japanese friends loooooong time ago, why I went to Calais, don't ask. It wasn't exciting as this trip. Just for a day...from London...had lovely coffee and sandwiches. That's all I remember now.

 Paris, I liked it. I loved museums and galleries. That was it. I didn't enjoy very much. If I had different companies to go with, that would've made hell of different to my trip to Paris. Never mind.

 Even my French friends (i had long time ago) told me Paris wasn't real France, I must visit to South of France to see real France. And I did, finally!!!! I always wanted to go there.

 I've got far too many places I would like to visit and experience different culture. Started thinking anything is possible in this world, just need to manifest it!

 Anyway, I loved every moment even my grumpy moments! I went there with Marcus, again, he always takes me to lovely places. We flew with good old Ryanair(some people don't like it, but it's fine by me), he found cheap tickets to Toulon. Where we stayed, was his friend's holiday house.

 So we self-catered ourselves. We hired a french car with convertable top. Now I'm big fan of French car! I don't drive, so, all cars, more or less, look the same to me apart from colours. Now I can recognise differences on different cars. This is our hire car. Cute♥♥♥
And this is us in front of the car.
All week, it was sunny, blue sky, blue sea and hot sun. But not too hot. It was very pleasant climate. As soon as got off the plane, I smiled to the sun on my back. I was very impressed and loved the little air port. There was really nice cafe with lovely salad and cakes.

 Big different from Stanstead air port!

 We drove along the coast, about 1hour drive through Lavandou, Cavallere then, we reached our final destination, La Croix-Valmer, late afternoon. There was pretty beach near by. After we settled, we went out to the sea for quick swim. I could see sun was setting behind one of the mountain there. Water was still warm(just).

 Following day we went to Ramatuelle, really old medieval village in the mountain. We visited church there too. It was very simple and pretty. It had very calming energy and soft, well, we felt really mild and soft energy all the time during out stay anyway.

 We walked round this amazing village, I bought some hand made soaps. Oh, French make lovely soaps♥.

That night, after our dinner, we went out for walk round neighbourhood. I saw some shooting stars. We saw more on the night before we left too! Every night sky was clear to see stars and moon was very bright.