Monday, February 20, 2012

Suffolk walks---Anglesey Abbey and snow drops

Me and Marcus went to Anglesey Abbey this morning for a bit walk and snow drops! We went there last year too, funny enough, it was also Monday. Last year when we went, there was full of people and coach loads of people in and out. We had to park our car in the over-spill car park. Today, we managed to get there just after it opened. Still, there were some cars parked up already.

 Cor, weren't they anything else to do? It's Monday you know...

 Yes, I must say, most of people we saw there were either tourists or O.A.Ps. Just before we left, more and more people were arriving. Family with kids, granddad and granny with whole family...etc. We got there just right time.
In Anglesey Abbey, there were some funny statues, like Greek mythology characters, dragons and a man on a horse, naked man with grape vines, naked man with horse legs on big verse etc. Is lay-line across there? We thought that too.
It was sunny morning to start with, then it got cloudy. Typical English weather! ☹ Never mind... Still, all flower, plants and trees were pretty. There were so many kinds of snow drops, I didn't know that till my first visit there last year. Some were tiny, some were chubby, some had long necks etc. They all looked cute. I have some snowdrops growing in pots, they are cute. I speak to them and always say hello to them. They like that.

 Anyway, here are some photos of snowdrops. ♥

 There were some colourful trees and plants. They stood out in cold grey weather like today. Beautiful colour, and seemed to enjoy this chilly weather. Oh, I'd love to have trees/plants like them in my garden(when I have it). Anglesey Abbey do have unusual ones. Last year, I told Marcus to come here in summer, but we never did. It'll be nice sitting/lying on glass to do cloud watching.
Those are the colourful trees and plants♥♥♥

And white birch
We saw really madly curled trees. they were awesome!
Here's me with very very old door.
This is Marcus sitting on a bench with the white birch.
Apparently, they have bluebells there when they're in season. I bet there'll be full of people. I don't think we're going to see them there. We're going  to our secret magic woods for bluebells! ☺

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