Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I went to Assisi in Italy!

First time I went to Assisi in Italy. I heard all about it from Marcus before. He went there a few timesalready. He always makes and sounds very attractive and repeats lots when he talks about some of places he visited. And Assisi was one of those places....

We flew to Perugia on 24th of the Feb. Of course by Rynair. Good old Ryair, I don't mind flying with them at all. It's a small plain, fun to watch when air stewards are doing demos for health and safety.

 Only one thing I would complain are: snacks and drinks are expensive and not very good selections.

Anyway, really it doesn't matter to me and make any difference, I aways take some snacks with me anyway. Next time I fly I must remember to take flask and more tea bags with me!
Anyway, it took only a few hours to Peugia. And it was cute airport❀ When we get there it was just after lunch time. We picked up a hire car from the air port. Then we were off!

We didn't have a sat-nav or map to get to Assisi...... Good new was we could see city of Assisi from where we were. So we drove towards the Assisi. Not knowing if we were on the right track. But hey, this is our long weekend and fun adventure, getting lost is a part of it.

 After 20mins or so, we were getting very close. When I saw the city from the car, it looked very old and I got very excited. Apart from France we went, I'd never really visited medieval place.

Unfortunately, my camera(we think pixels)'s a bit buggered. So please excuse for those dots on photos!
When we got to city of Assisi, it was weired. They had massive indoor car park, and energy was strange. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. They also had 3 different music on each floorto make even more wired. It was very modern compare to the city. Then when we came out from the monster car park, all I could see was stoned/bricked medieval architecture!

Wow! Our accommodation was very close, we didn't have to walk very far. I felt a bit tired and grumpy. But when I saw the hotel (B&B) my tiredness went away! This is the front gate.

Coool! It's very old wall paintings. In the city of Assisi, they were everywhere. and amazing that they are still there! I liked  that very much they are there very casually. Didn't look formal, they looked like they'd been there for ages( and they have!).

 I wondered how many people draw there paintings and how many days, how they choose where to paint??? How did they make colours and picked up colours to paint? I have a lots of questions to those ancient people. Wish we had  a time machine to go back in time and ask questions. and I would like to have chat with them over nice cuppa!
Anyway this is where we stayed. It's basement? room with pretty view from our private garden. Perfect place to do morning qi-gong!

View from our private garden. Beautiful country side!

This is the cute little kitchenette. I was a bit disappointed, We booked a room with a little kitchen. When we got in, we couldn't see the kitchen. Took us about 15mins to work out this cupboard was, in fact, kitchenette.Daaaaaaa!!!

Reminded me the kitchen we stayed in Teneriff last year. That was cute place too. It had cute sink, electric cooker and mini espresso machine. Very Italian!

Loved the ceiling. Never stayed a room with this ceiling. fantastic! ❀❀❀ Sooo coool!

That evening, we went out to explore. Marcus showed me where shops were. And we found cute and rustic(that what we like) greengrocers. We got some veggies and smoked porcini mushrooms! Oh, that was delicious! 
It was very romantic evening. We went bed early as we were tired and again, I woke up very early on that morning with excitement. So I was tired, and became snorie norie till in the following morning....(I got up early too, I'm quite an excitable person......)

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