Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Suffolk walks---Copford, Essex

11th March was my birthday. I went to see Marcus that weekend. On the Sunday, we drove down to Colchester, visited TK-MAXX for quick shopping. And I found some nice tops for our holiday this weekend!

 After shopping, we went to Copford, Essex. I'm not sure Copford is the name of the area, but, it says on the church yard. Do you remember previous blog, I mentioned a story Marcus said " Norie, I'm nearly 50 you know" place he said and I thought it would be lovely to visit the place again.

 So here it was, we drove to St. Micheal and All angels church in the Copford. We parked the car outside of the church. and off to walking!

As usual, Marcus didn't quite remembered where we were going, but managed to find a way. It was quite muddy and sometimes I found slippy too. We thought we got lost one point( it always happens when I'm with Marcus, bless him) due to sign post were taken out.

The farmers were digging earth inside out, they took path sign down too! very naughty. We could hear shooting sounds. I thought "I don't wanna get shot by the farmers for tress passing... " Sounds were really loud, they probably were shooting far away from where we were anyway.

 Then I wondered... What were they shooting???? Human? Empty cans? or pheasants? I hope not... Pheasants are cute and beautiful birds. Poor thing, They get their wings clipped and not be able to fly properly...then they get shot. Where they are going? Restaurants in London. We used to cook games. Now? Oh, no, no, no, don't want to do that.

Anyway, our walks were lovely. We eventually found the swing, Marcus tried last year and got wet legs!

Can you see blue rope with wood behind this little lad. He and his friend(the dog) were enjoying messing round when we walked passed. their mum and dad, siblings were also having good time too.

It was a bit chilly but lovely day out walking. We saw lots of daffodils and snowdrops. they were cute.

It took us probably 1½hrs to do the big circle. On our way back to the church( where we started our walk), Marcus showed me some fresh spring coming out from ground. It looked really fresh and yummy.

By then I felt a bit thirsty... the fresh water looked really nice, it was tempting to scoop out to drink. then I thought, because it was right next to the water filtration plant, I was a bit suspicious. It might get polluted from there!

Apparently there used to a Roman bricks around it. So that means it was a very very old spring in Suffolk! Water filtration plant ruined it!!!! Just like building the Sizewell next to the beautiful place. Always happens...
here's the water!
And this is the where Roman spring used to be:
Can't see anything. It's totally covered with over grown weeds and leaves. Wouldn't it be wonderful If it was opened up and be able to collect fresh water from the source!
After walking through fields, we were back to the church. This is the back of the Copford church. It had pretty grave yard with daffodils, snowdrops and primrose. Very quiet and peaceful. Ideal place to have a rest after visiting busy Colchester city center. 

I really had lovely time on my birthday. It was lovely quiet walk. I love the quietness, no sound(guns), no music, no talk in open nature. And just listening to birds singing... We'll have some more that next week... in La Gomera!

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