Sunday, March 23, 2014

Suffolk Walks---Wicken Fen


Strictly speaking, Wicken Fen is in Cambridgeshire. Not far from Suffolk though. I never walked in Fens, so, not really sure what to expect. I didn't know what Fen was like and I imagined it was really flat land.....

I was wrong! It blew me away. It was beautiful and soooo peaceful with full of wild life. It was again, run by National Trust, and wonderfully set up.

We drove the car through A14 towards Cambridge, turn off the sign for Anglesey Abbey. Drove passed the Abbey and carried on for another about 20mins drive, then turn left with a little sign says: " Wicken Fen".

There was a good sized car park, with over flow and toilet facility. Walked passed a few houses, then, here there were, enter to the Wicken Fen.

Luckily, we had lovely sunny day, ideal weather for spring walk along the river side and they had boat trips too. Due to the national reserve, canoes and boats are not allowed in, I suppose, it's good that way. 

We went to the reception, asked the guy there if we needed to wear wellies on. Due to rain we had, the Fen looked a bit wet and of course, it's Fen, supposed to be wet apart from dry summer season. we were told that would be better to wear wellies and trainers, so went back to our car and put them on and started again...

First, we just followed the board walk, we wanted to go to the tower hide to watch some birds. Some foot path were closed off, it was too wet.

Once start walking into deeper into the Fen, we realised how wonderful and peaceful it was. Something about the place, felt ancient and almost as if people used to live there and hunt. We loved it. Reed were everywhere, there were gazing cattles, and horses, birds were singing, felt it was growing to become yet another special place for me.

We just walked wherever foot paths were available. Time to time, we sat on benches along the river, looking at lives went by. Eventually, we reached to the old tower hide. Climbed up to the top, sat there for a bit watching marsh land over head of us. Then, Marcus spotted a heron flying. It was beautiful! Then, saw another one! They were pair. I think we saw a few more too. We also heard geese and saw them flying as well. Not sure how long we were there, noticed  some people came up and down again.

We left a bird watcher there, went down and did circular walk back to the front reception, then, took the other path walking other side of the river for little circular walk. 

We sat along the bank, watched birds having our snack. I really enjoyed our little walks that day. I would like to go there again, in summer to see different face of the Fen.

When we left, we noticed a little sign for free range eggs. They were £1 each for a half doz. I bought these lovely eggs, in my head I was already cooking delicious omelettes. Looking at them, my mouth was getting watery, couldn't wait to try these beautiful eggs. I don't eat or buy eggs these days, so, this was my treat.

Writing this blog, I realised there were plenty places I haven't been (National Trust in east of England), so, this will be our outings for this year. I can't wait for more weekend walks.

Wicken Fen and National Nature Reserve
Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely
Cambridgeshire, CB7 5XP

Tel: 01353720274

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mini Holiday---Avebury

Just more photos from our Avebury trip.

What is he thinking...? or wondering...?

Me with my qi gong pose....

Nice comfy chair....

East Kennet Long Barrow 
 East Kennet Long Barrow is situated in a private land. But you can walk there through the bridleway. Walk past the East Kennet church, through the gate to the field, turn right, just follow the bridleway. About 10mins walk. 

Barrows are everywhere!

East Kennet Long Barrow

Men in a stone

Mini Holiday--Avebury, West Kennet Long Barrow

I loved it sooooooo much, we went there in the night time too. I fell in love with the place, I just couldn't get enough of it. Thing is, I have been thinking about it quite a bit since we came back. It just gives me the same feeling as I feel towards La Gomera and Pellion. 

You know what, this barrow was used as burial, but I didn't feel that way even the night time we visited and sat in the pitch dark in one of rooms. Marcus sat in the main room, I sat in the one of side rooms with a flat rock on the ground. It had such a lovely energy even in the night time. After sitting there for a while, went back up again and lying on the top and watched stars.

Here's some photos from West Kennet Long Barrow.

Just down the road from the barrow, there was yet another magic place where spring water source was. It was a bit of a hike to get there due to the rain, field we wanted to across was really wet and flooded. So, we had to walk round a bit, we managed to get there in the end.

lovely tree

Took my socks and wellies off, walked in the chilled water

Source, very nice water  and chalky

Apparently, this tree in the photos, used to have all sorts of things hanging, like crystals and some personal things. One day, they all disappeared... I would love to see those hippy things hanging on the tree, sounds really lovely. I didn't understand why there was actually someone taking them off. In Japan, we do that too. We write our wish or goals in life, future hope for family and friends, and hang them (tie) on trees.

Mini Holiday In Avebury---9&10/March

Beautiful day! 

Avebury! I always wanted to go there since Marcus told me how magic the place was. And I'd been watching on youtube about Avebury for a couple of days prior to our getaway. I didn't know, of course, Marcus was planning to take me there. Funny enough, I was talking about it that week.

We drove from Winchester, didn't take long time. I don't drive, so, I'm not sure which road to take to get there. Apparently,directions he printed out from the web took us to completely different place, so he decided to drive his way.

Can't tell you how excited I was, when I saw a huge mound on my right hand side. I had to ask him to stop the car and took a photo. To be honest, I'd never seen anything like it. It was an awesome sight.

We had some time till our check in time, so, parked the car on the beside the road, started to walk through the stone path. it was amazing and couldn't comprehend how old they were and still standing. Thanks to the National Trust and English heritage for these conservations, we can still walk and touch these amazing stones.

This tree attracts many people..very kind tree!

I touched and hugged many times (as you do) and lots of them. Just amazing, and felt so warm, made me feel dizzy time to time. When we got to the stone circles, we walked round a bit till our check in time. We drove to East Kennet where our B & B was. We had a room with self contained kitchen.

In the afternoon, we drove back to the circle for more walks and visited West Kennet Long Barrow. Wow, it was amazing and fascinating. Everything there was magic.

Huge! One of stones on West Kennet Long Barrow

Sunset from the circle was amazing too. There were loads of mounds and circles, I imagined how many of them were when those were constructed. It must've been an awesome site and how spiritual at the same time...

They were 5000 years old, older than stone henge (I still haven't been there. I haven't been to Glastonbury...there, next!) or pyramid.

I was told how primitive ancient people were when I was school. But when I saw those stone circles, mounds and ancient buildings with my own eyes, I felt how advanced those people were. No one knows how they built them with heavy huge stones. If they were really simple and primitive, everyone could work out how they did it, couldn't they? I really don't believe they built with just man power and logs etc. Their technology was far more superior than ours...

Beautiful sunset

Anyway, they knew exactly what they were doing, didn't they! Amazing, amazing, amazing place.....

Mini Holiday in Winchester 8/March

Beautiful blossom flowers

Winchester.... I'd never been there. One of Marcus's clients/friends had a house to rent there and it's been empty for a while. She said we could go there and stay for a weekend.... So, he planned our weekend getaway to the county. I can't afford to go to La Gomera (sadly...) or Greece for our big holidays yet, I need to work hard and earn some more money! Still, it doesn't stop us going on mini holidays. I love visiting different part of the country(England) anyway, there are soooooo many places I haven't been, so, excited wherever I go.

Of course, first time I heard of Winchester, apart from there was an castle called Winchester Castle I watched on Haunted Earth on YouTube. I watched it, and really excited (I love paranormal programs and especially good documentaries like Haunted Earth and Huffparanormal etc). I wasn't that much interested in the Winchester Cathedral, but it was place to go and it was close to where we stayed.

We left Suffolk really early on Saturday morning, it took us approx 3.5 hours. It wasn't too bad. I was awake and excited all the way. 

When we got there, the house was situated in just outside of town, tucked away, really cute. and I noticed houses there looked quaky and posh. It had a similar energy to Cambridge. I realised there was an Uni there. 

Winchester was really nice, water everywhere. Really cooling and calming considering quite busy city. 
Due to recent rain, looked like lots of houses along the river got flooded. Some shops were still closed. 

It also had a cute market, different from one in Bury St Edmunds. They had some hand crafts stalls along with veggie stalls where I bought some fruits from.

Winchester cathedral was huge, made me think how much man power and money to built and how rich those people were. What happened to poor people or sick people that time? Did they help them? Couldn't they spend the money to help more people? Questions, questions......


Me, lying on spare empty bed

According to Haunted Earth on YouTube, Winchester castle (now ruins) was haunted. Of course I wanted to go in and walk. When we got there, it was closed!!!! Gutted. Looked very atmospheric and awesome on YouTube....

The castle was over the gate behind the trees...

So, we just walked round the town and up to one of hills. Really enjoyed walks. Oh, there was a mill on the high street, run by the National Trust. we wanted to get in there (of course!), but it was closed (the mill was, shop was open). Never mind, water was full to the top, and more I watched river flowing, more I wanted put my feet in, so, I put my hands in the water and it was really cold.

In the night time, we went out for another stroll into the cathedral (just outside). I do like night time walks. Discover and feel different energy from day time. 

Cute dogs

Old House now restaurant

Following morning, we put the house key through next door letter box, and drove off to next place...where Marcus kept secret from me, supposed to be a surprise. Wondered where he was taking me......