Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Suffolk Walks---Flatford to Dedham

Early Blossoms

Early March, we went to Flatford for walk. we hadn't been there recently, so, it was a nice change. 
Also, it's run by National Trust, we can get in there for free with our membership cards.Thanks to Marcus, included me for joint membership. And I'm really pleased. Now I can enjoy more the National Trust places. I love there anyway, I think Flatford and the cottages are so cute, very English and quirky. 

Constable's cottage just before the bridge

We had lots of rain, so, Walks to Dedham was little flooded. Birds were enjoying their water, swimming away, relaxing. We saw herd of geese were chilling out there, as soon as they saw we had some breads, they came to us (and ducks!) for a bit of nibbles. I love geese, how they talk to each other, how they fly and how they look... I love their energy too. They are sooooo beautiful!

Cute baby(?) swan, very friendly!

Geese! They were having rest there

By the time we got to Dedham, it was already in mid afternoon-ish, so, we just walked back to Flatford. we very much enjoyed looking at the river moving really fast, couldn't believe how fast it was. Last time we went there was before summer (I think), it was warmer and river was lot calmer then. I remember this, because I had some ice cream outside by the river after been to the loo.

When it's summer, it's dry and beautifully green. Today, it was wet and grey. Still, places like this, any weather looks beautiful. 

Wondered how many houses got flooded with our recent rain....

There were some awesome trees, they all had some characters and looked as if they were going to move.....

Awesome tree, like a lion!

Jumping into the green!

Spare room inside

It had a such a beautiful footpath, peaceful walks. Yet there were always someone had to break the peace... Look what I found, not only one, there were lots of them. I couldn't believe how irresponsible those dog owners were. Their dogs' mess were their responsibility to tidy up, otherwise, please do not take your dogs with you for walks! They tend to like hanging them on tree branches also.

Dog poo bag hanging from one of the footpath sign post
You know what, I used to pick my dog poo with toilet paper, then put in to a plastic bag, I took home and flashed it down the toilet. But here, in England, there's dog poo bins in parks or public places like these, they should be in the bin, not in nature. PLEASE!!!

Anyway, stop moaning. 

Jon Constable was a painter who used to live in this cute cottage with his family. He used to paint this area. This place has been preserved as it was (almost, I imagine). There's a mill, cute house next door now B&B, beautiful walks to Manningtree along the river Stour. Full of wild life and gazing kettles. (once I saw some gazing kettles little far from where we were, pointing at them said, "wow, huge dogs!" "Hello? no, Norie, they are cows!!!")
"Flatford lies in the heart of the beautiful Dedham Vale. This charming hamlet was the inspiration for some of John Constable's most famous pictures, for example, the Hay Wain or Boatbuilding near Flatford Mill among many others. Wandering beside theRiver Stour or looking at Flatford Mill and Willy Lotts House you can feel as if you are actually walking through one of his paintings." (From National Trust site)

    Adress: Flatford,
                     East Bergholt,
                       CO7 6UL
            Tel: 01206 298 260

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