Friday, September 10, 2021

Suffolk walk: Cycle ride from Saxmundham to Dunwich

 A few weekend ago, that was the weekend, Marcus's car was broken down, August bank holiday weekend 😀. This didn't certainly  prevent us from going out on Sunday. It was sunny, pleasant day,  and perfect for a little cycle ride. 

We departed Saxmundham where we live just before 9am, cycled up the high street, up to Kelsale, turn left into the country lane on the top of the village. We went through little villages ( Middleton, Westleton) , had a quick rest in westleton green to stretch our legs. Dunwich from there was a little cycle away! So Pleased I made it this far. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it, I feel fatigue and my quads feeling like giving up, It was for a while i did cycle ride especially when I started my chemo this year. 

After stretching our legs, we started going again, felt so good to be able to be on my bike again, cycling through the lanes and roads with views! Heathers! Beautiful heathers, and fresh air. We arrived to Dunwich Heath NT just after 10am.

On our way in, we purchased a few cucumbers and a punnet of tomatoes from the house on the right. They always put out beautiful products outside, we were always in the car, no where to stop, so had to drove pass. But this morning, we were able to purchase them, so pleased. Looked delish. Later we had some cherry tomatoes for our snack on the beach 😍Look, how wonderful they are! 👇

Anyway, about 10am ish, we were resting on of benches outside the cafe. Bumped into a few people who I knew from Bury! Such a wonderful to see them, hadn't seem them for long time. One of ladies who comes to my zoom yoga class, who I hadn't seen for last two years ( nearly!) It was soooooo lovely to bumped into her. Well, I knew they were going to be there, so I kind od, timed it to get to Dunwich. I wanted to see them, even to say hello. 😁😍💖

After that, we went down to the beach, had our day stone, sound, heat and light therapy ( aka sunbathing😄) as well as hydrotherapy ( aka swimming/ paddling in the sea😌) such a great feeling floating and soaking into the sea water. I wonder how long I can go for...until water is too cold for me to go in...🧐🤓

I had a bit more confident now, I can actually do this. looking forward to more cycle ride. 

On our way back, we took bridleways and footpath( mmm, naughty!) to get to Leiston then took a country lane next to Leiston abbey back to saxmundham. It was longer than way in, however, i do love off road and going through woods. 

Found some beautiful and intense heather field...!

We took the first bridleway on the left when you going out from Dunwich Heath towards Mindsmere, carried on to Eels Foot Inn in Eastbridge. This pub always look busy, smelt nice when we cycled past. I wondered what they had for their menu for lunch.  🤔🥙🍿🥤Yum yum.

Then we took another bridleway on the left carried on to Sizewell. From there, it was on the road for a while, which I didn't mid as not a lot traffic there. Turning left at the end of Leiston Abbey. 

We got back home, spent late afternoon chilling out with cuppa and sauna to relax muscles.

Can't wait for next week for more cycle ride! So grateful being here in East Suffolk. 

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