Sunday, June 14, 2015

Long Weekend---St Guilhem le Desert

14-21/ March/2015

We always have companies of some animals. Last time we were there, we had some cats visited and played with us. In La Gomera, it was cats. In Greece, we had a naughty stray dog visited us. 

This time it was pigeons.

 Opposite house from where we we were staying, we noticed a few pigeons nesting under the roof. It looked like mama-pigeon and papa-pigeon. They sometimes brought twigs back to make their bed (I assumed). 

Me and Marcus mimicking how pigeons make noise ( I don't think it's "singing" like robins or blackbirds) to talk to them. But the most of the time we were ignored. 

Anyhow, during our stay, every morning, every night, we watched how those pigeons were doing through our window. It was quite good fun to watch, I never knew how pigeons were caring for one another. 

It was very sweet. Obviously they were in love. 

Back to my earlier story, about our landlord being really worried about his ornaments.  We saw those two ornaments and placed them on the windowsill. 

We didn't put them back to where they were originally...

That was why David was asking us where those bird ornaments went...

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