Sunday, September 13, 2015

Long Weekend---Devon, West Country, England

Lyndford Gorge


I was still in bits that day. I  attended yoga practical assessment on 19th and didn't go very well for me. I was actually in tears when I got back to the "Doll's House" previous day. Then I felt pissed off, a bit angry, it was natural for me to go through those feelings and all this was part of the process. 

I tried to let go what happened on previous day. I wanted to enjoy rest of my stay on my mini holiday. I don't get to have opportunities to come this far often, so I wanted to make the most of what I had with Marcus and time. 

So, that day, we checked out the "Dolls House" pretty early, packed our bags into the car and drove off. First we visited Brentor, where Michael line (ley line) goes through. In Bury St Edmunds where I live, both Mary and Michael lines go through here. So, it was lovely to visit the other side of the ley lines. 

Oh, Brentor, what an lovely cute church on the top of hill. Very peaceful, soft and spiral. I loved it! We had our breakfast there. Love to spend some more time there....

Lovely Brentor Church

St Michael

Now, we drove off to Dartmoor national park, Lyndford Gorge run by national Trust. Near Tavistock in Devon. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect, saw on the internet, google image, I could see it was green...

We parked our car and went in. (National Trust member is free) I was quite excited, at the same time still feeling sadness and anger, working on my feelings.... This walks in the Gorge really made my day that day. What an beautiful place! I never ever visited place like that in U.K. It was green and air like La Gomera, up and down like France, I really felt "Am I in England?"

Water, water water! Magic water falls! Clear and beautiful water. Everywhere I looked green, peace and rocky. My feet were in water every time we saw the river. Just that feeling I love, hearing and listening to the sound of water, smelling it, gives me strong urge to put my feet in and when I do, feel soooo good. Magic. 

When we found magic waterfall (one of them there) we put our feet in and spend long time playing in the water. There were some family having picnic, their dad looked at us and gave us thumbs up. No one else were playing in the water. My shorts were wet, but I didn't care. It was fairly warm day, would dry quick. Water was cold but nice and fresh, our feet was wet all the time till we got back to the car. It was the best walk I ever did in U.K, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can not wait to visit again!

Lovely water!

Then we drove off to .... Glastonbury!

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