Monday, September 14, 2015

Norfolk walks--- Burnham - Overy - Staithe



It was hot sunny weekend, unusual for England. We never seem to have proper summer here. If we have, doesn't last long. That is one of reasons why English people love complaining its weather. They are funny, they complain whatever weather is. Sunny, hot, cold, grey, rain and many other...

When sun is out, there are people complain how hot it is. we don't get many days like that here, so, I don't moan. I love my hot sunny day. Not for working, but going out to the sea!

I hadn't had much time on the beach this summer, when it was sunny and hot, I was always working. I love my lazy beach holiday, who doesn't. Laying on the beach watching sky, listening to the sound of sea, people watching and have some chilled drink at a cafe/bar on the beach.... Maybe next year, I can go back to La Gomera.... or Greece or anywhere with pretty beach to chill out....

Anyway, Marcus picked me up on that morning. We stopped at the Waitrose in Swaffham on the way, headed to our destination... Burnham-Overy-Staithe.

This is where we always go in Norfolk, it has what we love, lovely footpath, huge sky, beautiful sea and beach. We normally walk on the footpath to the beach. But on that day, we adventured across the "river". We did it before once, it was a bit short cut. Tides was out too, so we decided to across the "river". 

Really muddy...

After 10mins or even less, we realised that was mistake, I knew that then, it wouldn't be much of short cut. It would take longer and awkward to get to the beach. I blamed on Marcus. Poor thing, he always gets blamed by me. Well, he does that to me too, so, 50-50, right?.:-)

My legs with sticky mud!

Marcus with sticky mud!

Look at our legs, covered in sticky mud... Whenever I put my legs on, they got sucked into the mud!!! When I took them out, it made such funny noise and sticky clay-like substance stuck on my legs! Of course, took us longer to get down to the beach. Worth every effort though, once I saw the beach and the sea. It was absolutely beautiful.

I forget how huge the Norfolk sky is. Brought up in Tokyo, never really saw and even thought of size of sky, when I realised how huge sky was, it was revolutionary for me.

It was hot, but windy at the same time. We didn't have any sun blocker (I never use them) lotion or sun tan lotion. We didn't feel that hot to have sun burn. That was another distorted thinking, we actually got sun burn....

It was fun to slided through fast running streams, watching what naughty seagulls were doing. It was a bit windy at the same time, this was sandy beach, wind carried sands and time to time, we got covered...

Then I saw a little bee thing came to me to refuge from sandy wind. It wanted to hide in my dress. We were sitting together for a while till I released into the wild again. The bee must've been flown by strong wind from near by woods... I really hoped that day, the little bee managed to get to the wood.

Bee trying hide himself inside my dress

By the way, sandy beach reminded me of Japan. When I was a kid, I used to go and stay my granny and cousins in Fukushima (yes, near the nuclear reactor is. This is a separate story, but when I was 14, I actually had an argument with locals not to have them, it was loooong time ago....). There was my favo beach, it was sandy beach. We used to bury each other in the sand. Very warm, chilled at the same time, very relaxing.... Realised later, it was Japanese thing. So, I asked to Marcus to bury for me. I hadn't done that since I was in school. Taste of Japan! 

We spent all day. That was fun. We walked back along the footpath this time. 

Then we drove back to Suffolk.

When I had my bath, realised we got sun tan with a bit burn. A bit sore, but we didn't mind. Vitamin D!

Now, counting days to my next annual leave...

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