Sunday, September 13, 2015

Long Weekend--- Cornwall, West Country, England


I needed to attend to a yoga workshop (or more like an assessment day for my yoga course), so me and Marcus organised a "long weekend" trip to Devon/Cornwall. We spent 3 days in Cornwall (Devon/ Cornwall border) and on our way back, we stopped in Glastonbury. 

 It was my first time in Cornwall (I only have been to Padstow, Rick Stein's restaurant....) and I was very excited. 


We left Suffolk in the morning, drove to Cornwall. Took us about 4.5 hours to get there, including losting time. Traffic wasn't too bad either. Road was quite smooth, not very busy, just getting through outside of London was a bit of pain, that was all.

In late afternoon, we managed to find our little barn conversion house. It was called "Langdon farm holiday cottage". This place, we stayed was called "Dolls house", like the name stated it was a tiny and cute. Marcus kept banging his head in the bathroom upstairs, I had no problems at all. I felt this cottage was made for Japanese! :-) Price was very reasonable too. 

We stayed there, because where I needed to go for my one day yoga workshop/assessment day was about 0.5 hour drive, that was if we didn't get lost....

Anyway, we quickly unloaded our bags and off to exploring! It was very misty, and felt like going through extraterrestrial world. It was beautiful.

Parked our car at the car park in Titagel, started walking to the sea. All shops were closed by then, only some tourists like us were walking through the village, and looking at shop windows.

Then I came across an cute stone house!  It was run by National Trust, "Old Post Office". I would love to get inside to have a look tomorrow, that was what I was thinking. I quickly took a few shots, carried on walking.

"Old Post Office"

Marcus lead to me to the footpath, I was thinking already, " How long do I need to walk? Does he know where we are going?" This is kinda norm thinking of mine, as Marcus often takes footpath which he is unsure of, and get lost. Mind you, always work out well, and fun, so I shouldn't, really, moan. 

I think I was a bit tired and hungry, feeling myself getting grumpy, kept looking at pub menus and restaurants or chip shops...That was why possibly, I had some doubt...

Anyway, we managed to walk to the sea though beautiful footpath in the mist. Very up and down, rocky and every time view changed, I was wowing, never saw views like this in this country, well, Suffolk and Norfolk. Suffolk is very flat, compare to the west country! It was like France! or Italy! 

"To the coast"

Water! Clear Water from rocks! Love putting my feet in.

We walked round and spent some time, then walked back to the car. On our way back, we popped into a few shops to get some things to eat for our dinner. 

Couldn't find a big shop that day, we were really impressed none of  those small villages didn't have Tesco, Morrisons or Sainsbury's!

We had an early night, dreaming about tomorrow adventure...

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