Monday, April 25, 2022

Suffolk walk: Captain's wood Bluebells walk 1



Bluebells season! Spring time. We thought we wanted to walk through bluebells, so popped down to Captain's wood ( ) in Sudbourne, near Woodbridge. Lovely wood, sometimes encounter with herd of deer in the field or a little muntjac in woods. Feel really old, yes, often find old oak trees still standing. Feels like ancient people were watching us walking or maybe watching deer to hunt...that kind of feeling. 

Beautiful little woods, sea of bluebells under trees. Every year, we visit here for our spring walk. 

As we walked in to the gate, an old lady with a young lad walked by, she told us bluebells were not fully out yet...But it's always good to check it out. And need a fresh air anyway, walking in woods is the best for this.

A couple walked by, we had chat. Enjoy chatting with fellow walkers. Exchanging some tips, places to visit etc. They came from Cambridge, we chatted about wandlebury ring and Magog Hills, another anscient, hill, and roman road in Wandlebury ring. Both are magic place, I definitely recommend for walks if you are near by. I do like the view from the Magog hill, good view of Cambridge and Addenbrooke's! Anyway, back to Captain's wood. 

Like the old lady earlier told us, bluebells were not fully out yet, need maybe another week or so. So, next weekend will be definitely back here in Captain's wood. Also, need to visit Raydon wood. Cute woodland with bluebells patch.  Both woods, we can pop down to near by beach afterwards for a dip. Love Suffolk,  now I live in East Suffolk, coast is never too far😍

Can't wait for more bluebells walks, might as well, make the most of what we have now. My friend Ani said to me, we are so lucky to have beautiful woodland to visit. 

 I can hear woodpeckers, and birds singing in woods, creating beautiful bird songs and  birds of prey floating in the calming, and feel so grateful for being here. 

More weekend...

Suffolk walk: Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge & Bawdsey


27th March, 2022

Hadn't been there for ages, in Sutton Hoo! A lady we met in Walberswick when we went for a dip, reminded us how beautiful and amazing sutton Hoo was. She came from Beccles ( lovely market town, my favorite town) and Sutton Hoo was one of her favorite place to walk. She told us NT changed the site a bit, so, we decided to visit.

Good thing about Sutton Hoo is they have trumpers and mountain trikes! Wheelchair with mountain bike blakes and a wheel to make 3 wheel chair. Other NT site which has mountain trikes is apparently, Anglessy abbey in Cambridge. 

We were hoping Dunwich heath to have them, we did ask, but they were happy with their trumpers......BOoooo! they are about £5000 at the moment, hope the price come down or I can get fitter and get more stamina without feeling fatigued all the time.

Anyway, Sutton Hoo was wonderful. I forgot how fun it was. Valley walk was fantastic, view from top of the hill was amazing. There is a viewing tower now just outside mounds. I wasn't able to go up, as I can't get upstairs without out of breath and fatigued. So, Marcus went up and told me he could see the whole mounds. I bet there are so many in the site ones discovered as well as mounds not yet discovered..... Anglo saxons sounds very cool people, living with nature and created beautiful clothings, jewellies, and swords etc.... To get varied there with a massive ship with all those artifacts , the king must've been very influential part of their anglo saxon life and community. All history is on NT website:

Anyway, we hired a mountain trike there. it was fun. Marcus worked very hard pushed me up the hills and down, I hope he got some workout out of it. For me, it was very comfortable, my bottom sat nicely at the back of the seat, my back rested also comfortably to the back rest. It was fun when we go up and down on pebbly footpath, and it went well on sandy footpath too. I would recommend to hire if you get tired quickly or fatigued out of breath etc and mobility issues. However you need a strong person to operate it for you.  Since that day, we went back following week, hired again, for our little walk. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to walk the circular walk. Thanks to NT Sutton Hoo. Really grateful. 

Because of this, I still had energy after our walk there, we popped down to Bawdsey. Beautiful part of the coast. I hope one day I will be able to walk from bawdsey to shingle street. Looks amazing this coastal walk. And maybe further to Dunwich......😉

Suffolk walk: Bluebell walk in Blakenham Woodland garden & Shingle Street Beach



I couldn't wait to visit this garden again, such a magic garden. And for bluebells! When we popped down to Captain's wood the other day, bluebells weren't fully out yet. Needed a bit more, perhaps, they will be ready within a 3-4 days? Still, it was beautiful walk in Captain's wood. 

We got ready early, aimed for 10am at the garden, but we got a bit lost and detoured on our way to Little Blakenham where the garden is. It was gorgeous day, sun was out and perfect for bluebell walk ( well, anytime, anyweather is perfect for bluebells apart from rain.... 😅 ) People who work there are very friendly, and the lady of the house wasn't around that day. Maybe she was busy... I said to Marcus, " I am having the hot chocolate ( from Tosier) after my walk!" something to look forward to 😆 , to a perfect hot chocolate😍

We started walking, I could see bluebells already through the gate. There were impressive blossom trees, oh my goodness, they were gorgeous. They reminded me of home in Japan, I still to this day, I love blossoms. Can't get enough of them. 

Pink one, light pink one, white one, mixture of both colours....We, Japanese are really crazy about our cherry blossoms. 

Anyway, as we walked deep into the garden, started seeing more and more bluebells and variety of flowers and trees with colours. So many in one place, yet feels very wild and rustic. We felt whoever created & look after the garden knew how trees and flowers work together with human touch, working with nature and let nature do its own thing. 

There was extra bluebell wood opened, where normally closed. When we popped in there, it reminded me Hillhouse wood in west Bergholt in Essex ( ), sea of bluebells in small space, so many, really intense, it was just like that. Scent from bluebells was so relaxing. I was so pleased we visited the garden. 

At the moment, it's open daily. £5 for admission fee, and goes to Maggies!

After our little walk ( we walked everywhere!) we went to say hello to horses. They were from local horse sanctuary. I asked the horsey guy " I am not sure if they are same horses as last time" he told me they were. then I carried on, " they were grumpy last time🤣 " He informed me they were a bit more happier now as they have a bit more space with grass to eat on. Phew, but they were still a bit grumpy, a bit like grumpy old man in a pub drinking beer at the counter. Well, we all have personalities don't we. 

Then I finally had my chocolate fix, bought a few chocolate bars and hot chocolate. I told the chef I don't eat any other chocolate now. Their chocolate is the best. All different cacao beans from different country. Oh my goodness, one I bought that day, I ate a bit last night, flavour came out and very fruity! I defo recommend their chocolate. ( ) 

Feeling echo of the hot chocolate, and a bit euphoric, we were off to Shingle street beach for a dip. It was a bit windy, but once in the water, it didn't matter so much. The water felt warmer than even last week. Didn't cold or chilly at all. Reminded of us summer days. The sea was a bit wavy and lagoons on the shore weren't quite there, so we stayed in the main lagoons in the middle of shingle desart.

I don't normally do length, but I did two! Yay! Took me a while , whilst Marcus swimming up and down. I like floating and watching sky.

It was very calming, I just watched airplanes above me thinking how huge sky was and kites  ( from kite surfers) against the blue sky was very relaxing. I could stay all day.....

Eventually, we came out from water, so happy that I went in. Water shingle street in lagoon felt a bit more saltier somehow, smelt more seaweedy. Water was clear and green. Not brown! 🤣

It's getting warmer here now in Suffolk coast, hope this continues to summer. Looking forward to more sunny weekends like this. 

In a few weeks time, we are having our retreat in Leiston abbey, fingers crossed for good weather!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Norfolk Walk: Burgh Castle Roman Fort, Great Yarmouth, English Heritage


After our little visit to the St. Olave's priory, we detoured to Burgh Castle Roman fort near Great Yarmouth. Again, I didn't have a clue there was a roman fort ruin site in Norfolk, near Great Yarmouth. It was lovely open space walk to the Fort. Walked by the river/sea? I could see windmill over the water. Clouds were mud, so much texture and shaped, felt so grateful for the weather we had that day. 

Until then, that week was mad. Snow on 1st April then hailing for two days on and off. It was freezing, everyone though "we are back to winter again..." 😅 

 Until walked towards the fort, I didn't realise it was actually a fort rather than Castle.  It was huge! Huge wall surrounded the area. It was built by Romans, impressive, still standing. 

photo above, I am trying to push the wall back to straighten it, but it was very heavy! 🤣

Anyhow, beautiful day, after visiting the Fort, we popped down to Walberswick for a quick dip. It was a bit wavy, although i didn't stay in the water as long as I normally do, I felt refreshed afterwards. 

When we got back home, we had our salad and yummy!
Since March, we have been doing intermittent fasting, my guts feel really good, also mentally, physically and emotionally. Feel content and my gratitude has gone up even more! I was eating a lot and very often ( snacking a lot), I stopped snacking now.  I really looking forward to my dinner/ salad every night these days. So pleased We 've started it. We are carrying on doing our intermittent fasting into this month as well as in May. Bonus is; weight is dropping too. if you are over weight, there's fair chance cancer might come back, for this reason, I wanted to lose weight a little... I really don't want to have cancer and going through that again! Twice is enough...😅

Anyway, back to The roman site. East Anglia is such a gem. If you are thinking about summer holiday in U.K, why don't you come to East Anglia?.

Norfolk walk: St. Olave's Priory, Norfolk, Great Yarmouth


Sunday 3/04/'22

We ventured out to Norfolk. Marcus took me somewhere different. Never been there before and heard of it either. Not far from Beccles, and near Great Yarmouth. 

We  parked our car in the holiday park/ camp site/ restaurant car park, and walked out to the priory. Along there, said hello to Llamas, they were cute. 🤩 

I was guessing he took me there because he felt or knew lay line going through? Lovely energy and cute priory. Still standing and basement was still intact although I could see some repairs. It would've been beautiful back in days. Always I imagine how it would be like....When I went to Majorca, we stayed in a little monastery on the top of mountain. Puge it was called. It was also medieval, outer accommodations were also medieval although some repaired since. How people in those days built such a beautiful building, often very remote place or top of mountains. I guess this little priory was also built in remote place although now it was by the busy road. 

Back to Puge, it still has old refectory with stone sink and huge fire place. Every time when I visit monastery or abby ruins , and mention refectory, I always imagine it would be like one in Puge.  

Same as magical Leiston abby in Leiston, Suffolk, it would've been the sight when monks or people on pilgrimage saw the abbey standing afar. 

I wonder who came to St. Olave's priory? 

Never realise so much history in East Anglia. More I discover, more i fall in love with the area.

Our next adventure from here was Burgh Castle Roman Fort on my next blog!

Suffolk Walk: Blakenhem Woodland Garden Snowdrops Walk


Wonderful Blakenham Woodland Garden near Ipswich. This located in the middle of nowhere ( to me🤩 ), very peaceful and beautifully maintained garden. When we went, it was open day for snowdrops. 

The lady who owns the house casually was walking with walkers and having chat with how this garden was created and she explained to us there were thousands of different type of snowdrops....never knew.... and some snowdrops costs nearly 200 pounds a bulb...cor, that is very pricey, I bet really rear though. 

Walking this garden felt like going to magic wonderland. Cute wooden doors, snowdrops everywhere. 

There were benches with roofs, benches ( looked like ) created by wood in the garden.., ups and downs on much different textures. 

At end of our walk ( we did spend quite good time, soaking ourselves in snowdrops energy😍 ) , we popped down to the barn for coffee and a piece of home made cake. It was delish. I could tell they were home made by different people. The lady told me raising money for Macmillan and Maggies! Yay! Both wonderful cancer charities! I went to Maggies in Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge for my wig appointment. I still remember it. 

So, it was excuse for me to purchase another piece of cake to take away for later. 

Then we went back to Tosier chocolate shop/ kitchen and I purchased a few chocolate. They were delish, I could really tell different flavour in chocolate. Different cacao beans ( and country) create different flavour in chocolate without any flavourings. They were to me, the best chocolate I tasted so far. Loved how they melt in my mouth and flavour came out. I felt like  was educated about chocolate there. Definitely recommend their chocolate. You can purchase in Snape Maltings as well. 

Can't wait to get back there when bluebells are coming out. Soon... this month...April 24th. They are not open usually unless they have events.

Suffolk Walk: Shingle street Beach


We often pop down to Shingle street each these days.  Just can't get enough of it. It is a beautiful and amazing beach, shingles there makes me feel I was on desert. This magical beach creates lagoons on low tide on the shore however changes every time. 

There are a few lagoons on shingles before get to the beach from the carpark. We used to love swimming in the lagoons. We used to see ladies from local swimming club came and had some dips. I haven't seen them these days. maybe time and days are different from when we go....We sometimes go there during the week or often on the weekend on low tide. 

It was in March, we went there again on low tide. Two lagoons on the shore, this magic shore  creates wonderful space to dip. The waves were very calm, quietly in and out over the lagoons. 

Low tide was about the sunset time when we went. It was just magical, I was floating in the sea, the moon in front of me, the sun was behind me, setting over Bawdsey and Felixstowe. 

Water was ( still is) chilly, but I love feeling the chilly water on my bear skin... Since I got my shorty ( 2mm) I now always wear my shorty. ( and gloves and boots😆 ) 

I never thought of going into the chilly North sea until a few years ago. When I was recovering from my treatment and surgery ( 2020, before I was diagnosed my cancer spread) , that summer, it was quite warm, really enjoyed being outdoor, and quiet lockdown beach. 

2021 summer, I begun swimming ( more like paddling) again in the sea, really enjoyed, just like previous year. Me and Marcus thought, maybe we cold push till November...then, December...then....ended up being in the water until now. I am sure may people do that too, cold water swimming, something about it, very addictive. we now go to the beach for dip about 2-3 times a week, if weather is ok, and waves aren't too bad. 

Anyway, If you are near by, try Shingle street beach on low tide, magic happens on the beach.  Even the lagoon (  one with water on the shingle), changes. I remember one year, it was still connected to the beach , when the tide came in, water flow in from the beach. Quite mesmerising to watch. Now this lagoon is completely cut off from the beach, created a wall between. 

Often kite surfers flowing and jumping on the surface of the sea, just watching it makes me feel really calm. 

I definitely recommend the beach  for summer or anytime for walks or cold water swimming on lagoons. 

Might see you there!