Monday, April 25, 2022

Suffolk walk: Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge & Bawdsey


27th March, 2022

Hadn't been there for ages, in Sutton Hoo! A lady we met in Walberswick when we went for a dip, reminded us how beautiful and amazing sutton Hoo was. She came from Beccles ( lovely market town, my favorite town) and Sutton Hoo was one of her favorite place to walk. She told us NT changed the site a bit, so, we decided to visit.

Good thing about Sutton Hoo is they have trumpers and mountain trikes! Wheelchair with mountain bike blakes and a wheel to make 3 wheel chair. Other NT site which has mountain trikes is apparently, Anglessy abbey in Cambridge. 

We were hoping Dunwich heath to have them, we did ask, but they were happy with their trumpers......BOoooo! they are about £5000 at the moment, hope the price come down or I can get fitter and get more stamina without feeling fatigued all the time.

Anyway, Sutton Hoo was wonderful. I forgot how fun it was. Valley walk was fantastic, view from top of the hill was amazing. There is a viewing tower now just outside mounds. I wasn't able to go up, as I can't get upstairs without out of breath and fatigued. So, Marcus went up and told me he could see the whole mounds. I bet there are so many in the site ones discovered as well as mounds not yet discovered..... Anglo saxons sounds very cool people, living with nature and created beautiful clothings, jewellies, and swords etc.... To get varied there with a massive ship with all those artifacts , the king must've been very influential part of their anglo saxon life and community. All history is on NT website:

Anyway, we hired a mountain trike there. it was fun. Marcus worked very hard pushed me up the hills and down, I hope he got some workout out of it. For me, it was very comfortable, my bottom sat nicely at the back of the seat, my back rested also comfortably to the back rest. It was fun when we go up and down on pebbly footpath, and it went well on sandy footpath too. I would recommend to hire if you get tired quickly or fatigued out of breath etc and mobility issues. However you need a strong person to operate it for you.  Since that day, we went back following week, hired again, for our little walk. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to walk the circular walk. Thanks to NT Sutton Hoo. Really grateful. 

Because of this, I still had energy after our walk there, we popped down to Bawdsey. Beautiful part of the coast. I hope one day I will be able to walk from bawdsey to shingle street. Looks amazing this coastal walk. And maybe further to Dunwich......😉

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