Saturday, October 6, 2012

Walk -- Damouchari to Fakistra

On our 3rd day holiday, we strolled off to Fakistra. It was very cute beach with crystal clear (even more!)  water.  If there were 8 people on the beach, it looked full. Usually it's very quiet apart from weekends, Greek people love going down to beaches on weekends. In season, all beaches along there ( Papa nero, Ag, loannis, Plaka, Damouchari and Mylapotamos...) are full of people and also lots of naked Germans!  ☺ This year, due to the end of season, we didn't see many naked Germans, How disappointing! ☹  Anyway, we went to Fakistra twice, both times took us about 1hr & 25mins to get there including pottering time.

It was beautiful walk, started off walking up the steep stone steps to the first kiosk(view point). There was "red mark" to turn left. It was small and narrow path.

We could see this resting point from the downstairs (the beach). Top kiosk was about another 20mins walking up the stone steps.

Once we got there, we took path going down. That was for Fakistra. Also the olive man told us, path went up was leading to Tsagkarada. This path to Fakistra took us an interesting path, we loved it last year as well. Went up and down stones and rocks, woods, and olive grows.... I could smell herbs and plants.

I quite often found grasshoppers jumping around us. They were cute. Almost as if they wanted to go for a stroll with us. When we went through woods, we saw mountain butterflies.

I sometimes found red marks on the ground. We knew how to get to Fakistra, so, we didn't really need to looking for red marks this time, but it was nice to know we were on the right path anyway.

This rocky bits, it was a bit confusing where to walk. Around there didn't look it was proper walking path, but it was much more fun to walk on rocks than flat surface. I could imagine, in season, waterfall running through there. Then we found a cute flower. Even hot day, this little flower blooming on the dry earth. Very strong!

Now, we got to the little church. We were disappointed that was closed. Last year, this little church was open. The key was hanging from the top of door. But this year, key wasn't there either. Maybe it was closed for season?????

After this point, we were walking into woods. Suddenly energy changed and temperature went down a bit, a little bit dark time to time, and could hear the sea... About walking another 20mins or so, the path was opened up to the olive grows. There, we found the orange tree from last year. Marcus scrumping some oranges, and they were delicious! So, when we saw oranges on this tree, we didn't hesitate to scrumping them. We did think they might be a bit funny, due to late season. Anyway, we picked them and had them, but they were very bitter, very wrinkly and dry. After all this trouble, we had to chuck them in the bin.....Oh, dear....☹

Here's Marcus picking some oranges. Close by, there was path to the cave, where the secret school was. It's worth paying visit to this cave. It's wonderful view over looking the Agean sea.

After this point, we started hearing people's voices. Till then, it was very quiet walk, I knew then, Fakistra was close. Carry on walking, soon, I saw cars parked up the end of the path. If there were 4 cars parked up, that meant the beach could be busy. Might not be, lots of people walk from there to Damouchari. Anyway, we still needed to walk down to the beach. Only 5-7mins hiked down the steep stone path. It was worth it. This is the view from the picnic point looking down Fakistra beach.

Isn't beautiful? I haven't been to many beaches, but I know this beach is the most beautiful and un-spoilt paradise in whole Pelion! Or maybe even whole Greece? Defo, this beach is one of my favo beaches.

A man in the rock!

Sound of wave under the rock was awesome! Water was very pleasant temperature, after sweating and walking, jumping into the sea was..OMG, heaven! ☺

By the way, these photos were taken from the cave. This cave had a church, a room and big platform. I wonder, the monk used to live and hide there, what he used to wonder and feeling everyday.... I could almost as if he was still there sitting in the cave meditating...

After spending good 3 hours (maybe more) on the beach, we walked back. This time took us just over 1hour. Not bad. We bumped into an English couple who we saw earlier on the beach. We had a quick chat and exchanged information (as we do when we are away) about holiday and walks. ☺

Then I wondered that evening, how many more beaches like Fakistra were hidden away in Greece... ✿✿✿

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