Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Long Weekend" St. Guilhem Le Desert 3 Walks to "Chateau du Geant"

On our second day, it was still rainy and grey. But it didn't stop us from going for walks. 
We walked up to "Chateau de Geant" in the morning. I thought it would take long time to get up, it looked miles away from the downstairs!

Actually it took us less than an hour to get up there. There was a proper footpath to go up, follow it till see small footpath marked "X" in red/yellow on right. That's the path to get up there. And it disappeared towards the end, just needed to climb rocks to the chateau. We were there about over an hour, we saw loads of people came up and took photos and chilling out. The view from there to down was awesome. I could see the whole village and river! 
I told Marcus, it was lovely spot to do qi going, but he already did qi gong there every day when he was with his clients before.

Lovey footpath!!!

 I can see where we stayed! Fanny's house is sitting in the middle of the pic, So green!

Lovely St. Guilhem Le Desert!

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